Game of Life

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Two Boys, Jamie and Benjy walked by a poster of ma movie, talking.

Benjy: Yo, I am so psyched for Invisible Force 2.

Jamie: Please. Invisible Force 1 was lame. I'm all about Rising Tide.

Benjy: Rising Tide? The Deep? Translucent could kick the Deep's ass.

Jamie: How? He's invisible. That's, like, all he's got. That's it.

Benjy: Exactly. He sneaks up on the Deep, and then boom, motherfucker! Sit down.

Jamie: Until the Deep makes a shark bite Translucent's dick off.

Benjy: How's he gonna find his dick? It's invisible.

A noise behind them startles the duo. They turn to look. Cut to an armored truck careening down the street, pursued by multiple cop cars.

Benjy: Holy shit.

The truck speeds towards them. They turn and run, but Benjy trips.

Jamie: Benjy!

Before the truck reaches them, Queen Maeve flips a car, attempting to stop it. Cut to a shot from inside an apartment. As an old woman pours tea, Maeve walks on the windows, cracking them. Back outside, the armored truck avoids the car, swerving towards Jamie and Benjy.

Jamie: Get up, get up, get up. Come on, Benjy. Come on, come on.

As the truck is about to crush them, Maeve jumps in front of it, splitting the truck in two. Jamie and Benjy are hit with only light debris. Cut to a shot of Maeve standing stoically as the truck splits around her. As it comes to a stop, she ends up inside the ruined truck, face to face with a robber. She smirks at him. Cut back to the street. Jamie helps Benjy to his feet. They watch from outside as a skirmish can be heard inside the truck. The driver walks out in front of them, spitting blood all over the street. Cut to Maeve exiting the truck to find the driver and another robber holding the young men at gunpoint.

Driver: Stay back. Just stay the fuck back.

Maeve approaches them, smiling.

Driver: What are you smiling at?

From offscreen, Homelander fires his laser vision at the driver's gun, melting it all over his hand. He screams in pain and falls to the ground. The two young men run away as the other robber tries to fire at Homelander. The bullets have no effect. He walks slowly towards the man and then throws him quite a distance.

Benjy: Homelander?

Homelander turns towards the young men, revealing his face to the camera for the first time.

Homelander: You boys okay?

The robber finally crashes down on some cars down the road. Cut to Benjy and Jamie staring at Homelander in shock for a few moments.

Benjy: Can I can I get a selfie?

Homelander: 'Course you can.

Before Homelander could walk over to them another car pulled up 4 men getting out of it with guns, before the guys fire a huge lightning bolt hit the car blowing it up, everyone at the scene looked at and someone flying to and since Homelander was already that could mean one thing.

Benjy: Holy Shit, It's Shazam!

Jamie: Oh my god, stay cool bro!

Shazam then landed on the ground as the men were getting up and aimed there guns at him, he then got into pose straight out of a Wild West movie.

Shazam: This town ain't big enough for the five of us. Draw.

Shazam pointed his finger like a gun zapping one of shooters gun, electrocuting them as well. Before another could move Shazam was in front of him and grabbed the front of the bending it to be aimed at the shooter. Shazam the throw him to Maeve who kicked the shit out him.

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