In Vought

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{Vought Tower}

Every employee looked in amazement as Shazam walked the halls, unlike Homelander, Y/n greeted everyone there with a genuine smile, that just made them all feel safe. Shazam keep walking till he came to a stop looking dead at Homelander who was on the other side of the hallway. Homelander then put on one of signature fake smile.

Homelander: Shazam, so good to see you buddy.

Shazam: You too, Johnny.

Homelander hearing his birth name instantly dropped his fake smile looking at Shazam with murderous intent.

Homelander: What the fuck did you call me?!

Shazam: Adam, that's your name isn't it.

Homelander: I'm the fucking Homelander, and you'll call that, you understand me.

Shazam used his speed and got into Homelander's face.

Shazam: And there's not a single fucking person here, who can make me.

Homelander's eyes glowed red as Shazam only laughed in his face.

Shazam: You know last you did that, I put in a coma for what was it, two weeks? Man that was a great time. Now why don't go stare at Stillwell, I have a meeting to get to.

Shazam left a pissed off Homelander and continued walking, he then came across Stillwell's assistant Ashley who had some kind of crush on him.

Ashley: Shazam, hello, do you need any help, because I would happy to help you with anything...anything.

Shazam: No thanks Ashley. I just dropped by on this floor before my meeting.

Ashley: Oh ok, well I'll be here whenever you're ready.

He keep walking and passed Seven's main conference room till he stopped as his super hearing picked up on a conversation between The Deep and someone else.

Deep: Whoa, whoa, wh-wh-whoa, hey. Look, you're gorgeous. I'm not I'm not talking about sex, just a little bit of pole-smoking. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. It's just a question of how bad you want to be in The Seven.

Girl: Excuse me?

Shazam could hear what was probably her powers flare up, and hear the shattering of some nearby screens.

Deep: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey. Hey. Take it easy. Settle down. We're just, we're just talking. And look, I know that you're powerful. I get it. Your powers are no joke. The thing is I am number two around here. So, like, if I say so, you know, you'd be out of here. Especially since you attacked me.

Girl: I what?

Deep: Yeah. Look.

Deep: I mean, Iowa's sweetheart, the Defender of Des Moines, just went psycho on the Deep. I mean, that that could put you out of the business. Yeah. I mean, home to Mommy, tail tucked between your legs. Just think of all those kids. I mean, the kids. Those kids who look up to you, they'd just be shattered. I mean, that's not what you really want, right? Or, we come together as a team. You and me, we just roll with the punches, for, like, three minutes, maybe. It's not a big deal. And then you know what happens? All your dreams come true.

The doors to the conference room where then open as The Deep looked in shock at who was there, Shazam looked at him with a smile.

Shazam: Hey Deep.

Deep: He-Hey Shazam, what are you doing here?

Shazam: Just stoping by, who's this?

Girl: I'm Annie, Annie January.

Shazam: Your Starlight.

Annie: You've heard of me?

Shazam: Totally, you have some amazing powers, seems The Seven got tired of meave being the only attractively one. They even got someone who could rival her.

Starlight smiled but Shazam could she still wasn't comfortable, giving him the look for help.

Shazam: On the subject of powers, Hey Deep, did you know I have super hearing?

Deep: Ummm, no. I didn't know that.

Shazam: Yea I to my surprise , I just so happen some superhero jackass, lying to a rookie so they can get a blowjob.

Deep: Oh shit.

Shazam: Now if there's one thing I can't stand it's when people try to take advantage of women. It really pisses me off.

Deep: Shazam, sir I just want to say....

Shazam then put his hand on Deep's shoulder, making him gulp in fear.

Shazam: Do you know what is was when I heard the, deep?

Deep: No, what?

Shazam: A real shocker!

Deep's body went up in electricity as Shazam started shocking his body, he couldn't even scream till Shazam finally stopped and he dropped down still twitching.

Shazam: Number 2, my ass. Hey, Starlight are you.

He didn't finish as Starlight hugged him tightly.

Starlight: Thank you so much.

Shazam: Don't worry, and if he tries it again just deck him the face.

She smiled as he started walking off till he looked one last time.

Shazam: With you here, I might have to stop by more often.

Shazam winked and left, as Annie just blushed and left the room. Shazam then went to the right floor and walked into the office. The office of Stan Edgar.

Shazam: What's up Stan the Man.

Stan: Let's get this over as soon as possible, Seat.

Shazam sat down at Stan stared at him.

Stan: Let's get one thing straight, I don't like you and I never will.

Shazam: Aw, what could I have done that was so bad.

Stan: You got my daughter pregnant.

Shazam: How is Zoey?

Stan: She's fine.

Shazam: Good

Stan: Now let's get done to business.

As soon as he sayed that Shazam got text on his phone and looked before sighing and standing up.

Shazam: Hate to run, Stan. But our city needs, let's reschedule yea. Tell Tori I said hey.

Shazam made a salute and jumped out of Stan's window and flying off to do whatever it was he did that the entire world love him so much. Stan looked on and with a sigh

Stan: Children, I work with children.

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