Chapter 78: Seventy-eight Widower

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Hearing this, Ling Aoxue was stunned. After a moment, although he was panicked and confused, he still knelt down at the woman's feet.

He frowned slightly, and his tone was soft and flattering. His face was no longer arrogant and crazy. He said carefully: "Sister, don't be angry. Aoxue knows he is wrong."

Seeing this, Jiang Qingxiao's face became more cold.

After a while, she suddenly asked: "Do you really know your mistakes?"

Hearing this, Ling Aoxue nodded without thinking, apologizing, but there was no remorse on his face, and even a blank look. He only subconsciously begged for mercy, "Aoxue really knows his mistakes, sister will forgive..."

Who knew that before he finished speaking, he heard the woman in front of him asked in a deep voice: "Then where did you go wrong?"

After hearing this, the young man opened his mouth in a stammer, and for a while he couldn't say a word.

After a long while, he mumbled a few points, but avoided the main point.

Seeing that Ling Aoxue still didn't know where he was wrong, Jiang Qingxiao closed her eyes.

"Turn around."

She ordered coldly.

Pu Meng saw that the young man in front of her was still confused, she immediately frowned with a complicated expression, and reminded him in a low voice: "Master Aoxue, Shenjun asked you to turn around and kneel."

Ling Aoxue turned around without knowing why, and when he saw clearly that the people standing behind him were the group of mortals and the little Demons, he stood up hurriedly like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

With disgust and strong rejection on his face, he shouted at Pu Meng: "I won't kneel!"

He frowned and said excitedly, "I am a fairy, why should I kneel to lowly mortals and monsters!"

Jiang Qingxiao heard the words and her face was immediately covered with frost. "You still don't know your fault?"

After hearing this, the young man slightly widened his eyes, his eyes uncontrollably reddened, his expression confused and aggrieved, "Sister, Aoxue did nothing wrong."

It was just punishing some evil monsters who bullied him, what was wrong with him?

Seeing that he still didn't repent, the woman pursed her lips, then raised her long fingers lightly, and a ray of ice blue overflowed from her fingertips.

It was suspended in the air and turned into a huge spiritual curtain, showing everyone what she saw him do in the air when she was near the Hairpin Star Cliff.

Jiang Qingxiao's voice was icy and majestic.

She said to the young man in front of her word by word.

"As an immortal, is it wrong to neglect your duty if you don't take protecting the weak as your responsibility?"

"Holding a magic weapon, instead of eliminating evil and defending the way, you kill innocent people and become violent? Is it wrong?"

"Having caused a great disaster, but not trying to make up for it, and having no repentance, is it wrong?"

After speaking, the woman looked straight at Ling Aoxue, her almond eyes dark as a deep pool.

"Do you admit all of the above?"

Hearing this, the young man suddenly bit his lips, feeling so wronged that he could not restrain himself, and tears rushed out, dripping on the ground.

He didn't understand why Sister Qingxiao, who always loved him, would treat him so aggressively today for so many outsiders.

He has been a Widower for Three Hundred Years (Matriarchy) Where stories live. Discover now