14| Renuion

159 3 46

[the art is from TT. She is really talented☺️]

-fluff not smut (just mentioning)

This is the future AU i think.


Kai's POV:

My bed was so comfy. I didn't want to get out of it. I had one of the bestest dream when i suddenly woke up. It wasn't because of a nightmare, its cause i couldn't sleep anymore. I looked besides myself and saw that the spot where my precous husband should sleep was empty.

He must went to work. "Why didn't he wake me up? I wanted to make him breakfast." I said to myself and saw a note. Cole wrote it.

'Good morning my Sunshine!
I hope you slept well. I didn't want you to wake you up cause you were so adorable, i couldn't help it. Anyways i looked at the kids when i went and they slept peaceful. I made myself toast and ate it. I will come tonight.
I love you honey <3
Have a nice day!'

"Oh Cole." I chuckled at him and kissed the paper. "I miss you..." i said still smiling. I did the bed and I went to watch the kids. I saw they are sleeping so i went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"They were really good kids in this week so what abaut i make pancakes to them. They deserve it." I said changing into my clothes and now i really went to the kitchen to prepare the pancakes.

I was abaut to start when i heard crying. I quickly put down everything and went to their room. I opened the door. "Shhhh, daddy is here. Dont cry baby." I said and picked him up. I started to rock him.

"Shhh, sweetie. Its okay. What did you dream abaut?" I asked my little boy. "I-i dremed abot yo and papa are fight." He said. I shocked that a 5 yrs old can dream abaut this. "Its okay. It was a nightmare. Me and your Papa won't fight, because we love each other. Dont  cry okay?" I wipped his tears from his eyes. He hugged me tightly and he still sobbed to my chest.

"It's okay, im here now." I said softly to my son. "Why is lil bro crying?" A soft girl voice asked. My daughter. "He had a nightmare. Come here Honey." The girl who had the same age as his brother. They were twins. But she was a bit older.

The girl hugged the boy. I chuckled. "Where is papa?" The little girl asked me. "He went to work. I didn't see him this morning either. He had to hurry to work." I said and put a smile on my face. "Guys. I should make breakfast now. I wondered if you two want to eat pancakes."

The twin's eyes lit up and yelled at the same time. "REALLY?! WE WANT!!!" They said. I put them down and grabbed their hands. "Lets go to change into clothes, shall we?" I then gave Kyle a Monsters, INC t-shirt with a blue short pants. I brushed his hair. I gave him a kiss on the cheek then i grabbed clothes to Kiara.

I gave her a red dress with Monster High sample in it. Her favourite was Draculaura. I often watch this series with her. And i often watch Monsters, INC with Kyle too. I then made her hair so it was in a ponytail. "Play something and I'll make the pancakes okay?" I said but Kiara grabbed my T-shirt.

"Can- can i watch you while you make it? Please." She was so adorable. "Yes you can." I smiled and picked her up and carried her to the kitchen. I started to bake them. "How did you learn bake pancakes?" Kiara asked me. I shocked and smiled a bit. "My friend taught me. He is really good at cooking." I smiled and remebered my old friend....

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