Part IV

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I wake up with my head pounding and whirling. I wince in pain when i realised how intense the shot was.

What was the purpose of doing something like that? I didn't do anything wrong.

I look around and find myself laying on my bed, i slowly try to sit up but my strength says otherwise.

I fall back down

"Easy there." A husky feminine voice says.

And from the darkness emerges emilyn. She has a small comforting smile on her face, different from the maniac she is.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"They blacked you out because you apparently tried to insult the warden between the lessons. It's okay now, they won't hurt you. This is for you." Says emilyn and hands me a glass of mushy looking liquid. It smells disgusting.

"What the fuck is that?"

"To help your pain and quench your thirst . It works wonders, trust me." Is all she says before shoving it in my hands. I get up and settle myself on bed to sit.

She sits beside me, watching me.

I drink up the syrup and hand the glass back to her. "What now?" I ask

"Aren't you hungry?" She questions. "You should eat something." She suggests and tries to reach out to grab something from her bunk bed.

I beat her to it "what are your intentions?" I query. Why is she being nice? I mean aside from braiding my hair, she's done nothing else that shows humanity in shape or form.

"We've been wronged, jisoo." She sighs and settled back down. "We've been wronged." She repeats.

I look down at her bandaged arms and wince "do they still hurt?" I slowly reach out my fingers to touch the bandage and she lets me.

"No. I tended to the pain. It's fine, now." She replies looking away from me and I just nod my head.

"You're right." I start looking down at my hands, a lick to my dry lips wettens them.

"I've been wronged. By my husband, my family, my career, then these people. I don't understand what I ever did wrong to be a person like this. I'm not meant to be here." I confess, another hand, bandaged one, wraps around my own.

"Not similiar circumstances, but yes. True." She says with a smile as I look up at her. "We shall defy her."

I gasp in horror "are you aware of your words." It was rhetorical, it didn't need a question mark.

"Yes." She says, for a moment with a pause. "But I've to get back to her. My feminine ego doesn't sit still." She breathes heavily and gets up, walking to wardrobe.

She opens and grabs two cloaks, I presume belong to her. "We shouldn't -" I try to reason but she doesn't let me

"Females can be seen as weakling and fragile but our ego isn't. We get what we want, we should. Just like the warden." She winks and throws a cloak at me.

I hold it up to my face and she laughs "we should hasten." And then she throws it over herself and walks away. Out of the room.

I gasp but throw the cloak over myself and follow her out. "How was it unlocked?" I ask following behind her.

She cackles slowly, wary of anyone who might hear "I've been doing these for years." She simply says.

I walk alongside her "where are we going?"

"You'll see. We'll be going out of Wineston."

Another horrific gasp "that's possible?" I cannot believe that we have come to this silly decision of trying to get out of her when with all certainty, I know that we cannot do something so absurd.

"Only if we make it." She looks at me and then hurries along the hallway, she jumps through the fences of the rooms.

I follow her every step and then that's it. We have reached the Ally.

All we have to do is walk through the alleyway. And that's what we do.

"What if we get caught?" I ponder

"She made a huge deal because of mashed potatoes, imagine what she would do if she finds us sneaking out." She says and Wiggles her eyebrows as if her thoughts sound funny.

I roll my eyes "she didn't make a deal out of potatoes, she only did that gruesome shit because you defied her and behaved like a maniac." I counter back slowly.

She throws her head back laughing but doesn't say anything for a moment. "Unless we get caught we won't know what will happen. I've done this for years but haven't been caught which is why I don't know what would happen." A evil gleam shines in her eyes and then it goes away as soon as it comes.

"It pleases me." I chuckle "if you weren't experienced then we would've been killed by now." I laugh again.

We then make it out of Ally and she turns around "semen milk has gotten in your head, you laugh like an idiot."

She laughs and I stop

"What milk?"

"Semen milk"



"Bitch, why the fuck-"

"Keep it down, they'll hear us." She warns and runs away.

I look ahead and find the grounds we sweep everyday. Everyday when the huge gates are cleaned by us but never opened for us.

I dreamt to get out everytime I would sweep.

Now's the chance. Let alone forget the semen milk.

She turns around and signals me to come.

She then throws a rope over the wall and ties it whilst i make my way to her and with a grunt she climbs up the rope, as she sits on wall, she signals for me to do the same.

I sigh

Now or never.

With that I grab the rope and work my way upwards. The rope is stinging and burning my palms but I would do anything to get away from here.

Emilyn sits and hums a song.

I sit beside her and sigh "what now?" I ask, the same thing I've been asking whole night today.

"We'll jump back out and go eat something." She says and climbs outside the wall.

I gulp down whatever hesitation that overcomes me and then jump down to her.

She giggles.

"Go look over there if we have any vendor." She points behind me and I turn around to check.

No vendor would be out at this time of hour, is she dumb of some sort?

And just then as I turn back to counter her about it, I watch as she climbs back into building.

Before I could process the treason, she yells.


That's it.

The whole sirens in Wineston go off and lights switch on awakening everyone.

And I'm out.

Out of the fucking institution, I'm for sure dead. That wench tricked me.

Everyone comes hurling out like zombies, the warden emerges. I can see everything through the gates. They gave only grills.

I gasp.

The warden is fuming with rage.

I'm dead

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