Chapter Two: Building Bridges

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The days blurred into weeks as the lockdown stretched on, and Meera and Vivaan's late-night conversations became the highlight of their lives. Each evening, they would log into the forum, eagerly anticipating the familiar ping that signaled the other was online.

"Good evening, Meera," Vivaan's message popped up one evening. "How was your day?"

"Hi Vivaan! It was pretty good, actually. I tried a new recipe today and didn't burn it this time!" Meera replied with a laughing emoji.

"That's progress!" Vivaan sent back. "What did you make?"

"Paneer butter masala. It actually tasted decent, if I say so myself," she typed, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Impressive. I might need to ask for your recipe. My cooking skills are still at the instant noodle level," Vivaan admitted.

Meera chuckled, picturing Vivaan in a kitchen with a pack of noodles. "You should try it! Cooking can be surprisingly therapeutic."

"Maybe I'll take you up on that," he responded. "By the way, I started reading that book you recommended."

"Oh, 'The Alchemist'? What do you think?" Meera asked, her excitement evident in the rapidity of her typing.

"It's fascinating. The way it talks about following your dreams, it's really inspiring," Vivaan said. "I can see why you like it so much."

Their conversations flowed effortlessly, transitioning from light banter to deep, heartfelt discussions. They shared stories of their childhoods—Meera spoke of snowy winters in Shimla, building snowmen and drinking hot cocoa, while Vivaan reminisced about the vibrant festivals of Mumbai, the noise, the colors, and the excitement.

"I've never seen snow," Vivaan confessed one night. "What's it like?"

"It's magical," Meera described. "Everything is so quiet, and the world looks like it's covered in a soft white blanket. It's peaceful."

"That sounds amazing," Vivaan replied. "I hope to see it someday."

They also shared their fears and dreams for the future. Meera talked about her passion for photography and how she hoped to travel the world capturing its beauty. Vivaan revealed his ambition to start his own tech company, a dream he had been nurturing for years.

"Do you think the world will ever go back to normal?" Meera asked one night, her tone somber.

"I hope so," Vivaan replied. "But maybe we can use this time to become better versions of ourselves. To learn, grow, and be ready for whatever comes next."

"I like that perspective," Meera said. "It gives me hope."

As their bond grew stronger, so did their desire to know more about each other. They exchanged phone numbers and moved their conversations to video calls. Seeing each other's faces for the first time brought a new level of connection. Meera found herself looking forward to Vivaan's easy smile and the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed. Vivaan, in turn, was captivated by Meera's expressive eyes and her infectious enthusiasm.

"Guess what?" Vivaan said during one of their video calls. "I actually tried cooking your paneer butter masala recipe."

"No way! How did it turn out?" Meera asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Well, let's just say it didn't look as good as yours, but it was edible," Vivaan laughed. "Thanks for the recipe, though. It was fun."

"I'm proud of you!" Meera said, clapping her hands. "Next time, we can cook together over video call."

"I'd like that," Vivaan said, smiling warmly.

As weeks turned into months, Meera and Vivaan found themselves sharing more intimate details of their lives. They talked about their families, their fears, and their hopes for the future. They celebrated each other's small victories and provided comfort during the tough days.

One evening, as they sat in their respective homes, Vivaan looked into the camera and said, "You know, Meera, meeting you has been the best part of this lockdown."

Meera's heart skipped a beat. "I feel the same way, Vivaan. It's strange, but I feel like I've known you forever."

"Maybe some connections are just meant to be," Vivaan said softly.

As they said goodnight, Meera couldn't help but smile. What had started as a simple connection was quickly becoming something much deeper. And though they were miles apart, a bridge had been built between Shimla and Mumbai, bringing their hearts closer with each passing day.

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