Making Another Country for My Kingdom (Part 1)

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Kenta stood at the edge of his kingdom, looking out at the vast, untouched expanse of land that lay before him. It had been a long journey to get here, from creating his first world to nurturing it through its early stages of development. Now, he was back in his original world, the kingdom that he had painstakingly built and expanded. Four thriving cities—Tokyo, New York, London, and Washington D.C.—were a testament to his efforts. But Kenta was not one to rest on his laurels. He had a new dream, a dream that had roots in his past life.

His mind drifted back to memories of his previous life. In that life, his mother had lived in a distant land, a place of beauty and warmth, a place called the Philippines. Kenta had always harbored a deep connection to this country, even though he had never been there himself. The stories his mother had told him, the photographs, the culture—all of it had left an indelible mark on his heart. Now, with his divine powers and the knowledge he had gained, he was determined to recreate this beloved country in his kingdom.

Kenta knew that creating a new country was no small feat. It required careful planning, immense power, and a deep understanding of the land and its people. He had the power of creation, bestowed upon him by the gods, but he wanted to ensure that this new country would be a true reflection of the Philippines, not just a hollow imitation.

After much deliberation, Kenta chose a vast stretch of fertile land to the south of his kingdom, a region that had remained largely undeveloped. This area had the perfect climate, diverse geography, and access to the sea—ideal conditions for replicating the archipelago.

He began by studying the geography of the Philippines. He conjured maps and images from his memories and from the vast knowledge he had accumulated. The Philippines was an archipelago, consisting of over 7,000 islands, each with its unique landscape, culture, and biodiversity. It was a place of stunning natural beauty, from pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters to lush forests and towering mountains.

Kenta started with the seas. He stretched his arms wide, feeling the surge of power coursing through him. The ground trembled beneath his feet as he summoned the vast expanse of the ocean. The water surged forward, filling the empty space with waves crashing against newly formed shores. He created the archipelago, island by island, shaping each one with care and precision. The major islands—Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao—rose majestically from the depths, followed by thousands of smaller islands, each unique in its own way.

Next, Kenta focused on the land. He sculpted the terrain, creating mountain ranges, valleys, and plains. He molded the earth with his hands, ensuring that each island had its distinctive features. He created the Sierra Madre mountain range, the Cordillera Central, and the volcanoes of Bicol. He carved out rivers and lakes, providing freshwater sources for the land and its inhabitants.

The process was slow and meticulous. Kenta wanted to capture the essence of the Philippines, not just its physical form but also its soul. He worked tirelessly, shaping the land with a deep sense of purpose and reverence. As he crafted the landscape, he thought of his mother and the love she had for her homeland. He infused that love into every mountain, every river, and every shore.

After the land was shaped, Kenta turned his attention to the forests. The Philippines was known for its rich biodiversity, and Kenta wanted to ensure that this new country would be a sanctuary for all kinds of life. He planted vast forests, filling them with a variety of trees—narra, molave, kamagong, and many more. He created dense jungles teeming with wildlife, from the tiny tarsiers to the majestic Philippine eagles.

He paid special attention to the coastal areas, creating mangrove forests and coral reefs. The mangroves would protect the coastline from erosion and provide a habitat for countless species. The coral reefs, vibrant and full of life, would be a paradise for marine creatures and a source of sustenance for the people.

In Another World With My Building Skills, And Made My Own KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now