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Asian doll aka Mishay was currently arguing with her moms boyfriend james about who would be the one the carry the groceries in the house

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Asian doll aka Mishay was currently arguing with her moms boyfriend james about who would be the one the carry the groceries in the house.Her moms boyfriend was very childish to say the least .He was not a man or at least he did not in fact act like one.Mishay didn't understand why her mom would typically go for these type of men.She knew that the man was supposed to help out around the house or that's what she thought

.Right now Mishay really didn't understand the point of arguing with her moms boyfriend about the grocerys so she just decided to bring them in the house.After what seemed like an hour of bringing in the groceries and putting them in their correct spots,she tiredly walked towards her room to lay down on her bed.

Her moms boyfriends daughter lori was staying their at the moment because her mom said they were all like family now even though her mom met James only about 7 months ago.Mishay knew James was no good for her mom but she kept her mouth closed because her mom hated when talked about her relationships.

Mishays mom was only 16 when she had Mishay which caused them to struggle a lot during her childhood.Experiencing the birth of her two sisters made it even harder.One being 15,One being 17 and Mishay being 19 means she had to constently watch over them.Lori was the same age as Mishay and hated her for no reason

.Lori always thought Mishay was prettier than her and all the guys were always looking at Mishay so lori had to be extra and wear revealing clothing to get some type of attention.Mishay had a boyfriend named Coby and he was lori's type.Lori tried to get with Coby a few times behind mishay's back but it never worked because coby didn't want to get caught up in tough situation. As Mishay was laying on her bed facing the wall wishing all her problems would go away she suddenly heard a knock.

"what are you in here doing" Lori said while slowly opening her door and poking her head through."Nothing I'm just a little tired"Mishay said as Lori now fully came in her room.Mishay knew that lori didn't like her and everytime Lori talked to her it was either to make her mad or stir up trouble."I'm just in here trying to rest" mishay said slowly lifting her self up off her bed." well what were you and dad arguing about"Lori said with a sly grin on her face.Lori heard her and James arguing about the grocerys and was planning to tell her mom knowing that mishays mom didn't like when her and James argued.

"He is not my dad"Mishay said with now a slight frown on her face.She hated when Lori called James her dad."we weren't arguing ,we were just talking about the grocerys"Mishay said with a guilty look on her face.She knew that Lori would eventually tell her mom leaving her to deal with the punishments."Ok I guess" Lori said.Her motive was to get Mishay in trouble because she hated that Mishay was better than her.Mishay worked at a small clothing boutique while Lori was stuck with daddy's money.Secretly she hated how independent Mishay always seemed to be.


Mishay was lost in her thought as she heard the keys unlock the front door.She heard her mom step inside the house and hang her coat up.Mishays mom was just now arriving back home from her part time job.Mishay was trying to fall asleep fast to avoid any interactions with her mom.Mishay and her moms relationship was not super close.Her mom tends to always put men before her which caused their relationship to weaken.

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