*New Life*

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5:00PM in the afternoon Von now finally awoke from the sofa and headed over to his master bedroom to get ready for the day even though the day is almost over

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5:00PM in the afternoon Von now finally awoke from the sofa and headed over to his master bedroom to get ready for the day even though the day is almost over.He walked over to his connected bathroom to brush his teeth.He grabbed his yellow tooth brush and applied his crest white toothpaste to his tooth brush.

He ran his tooth brush over the running tap and began to brush his teeth for 6 minutes straight before gargling some mouth wash and stepping in the shower.He made sure his water was a Luke warm temperature ,then proceeded to drench his body in the running water,then he applied some of his native body wash onto his wash clothe before creating a thick lather.He proceeded to scrub his body as he dragged the wash clothe over his muscles and his sexy tattoos.
TWENTY MINUTES LATER..........................

Von was now stepping out the shower to dry himself off.He dried off his top half while tying the towel around his waist.He stared at himself in the mirror thinking about what happened last night.He knew hoes were sneaky so he made sure to remember everything they did so he wouldn't have to pop them. *ring* *ring* *ring* a ringtone knocked him out of his thoughts.It was Durk."I wonder what this nigga calling me fa"von said as he picked up his phone to answer.

"gang u almost ready"Durk said after von answerd."ready fa what gang" von said as he was genuinely confused."we supposed to stop at the club gorn von"Durk said with a small chuckle.Von had completely forgot about their showing this afternoon.He had woken up so late that he thought he had no showings.Von usually set alarms early because he was a busy person." aw damn man I forgot" von said with a sigh"I'ma be ready in a hour" von said."ight gang" Durk spoke before hanging up the phone.

Him and Durk were riding together since they were both booked at the same time for the same club.This usually always happens since they had multiple hit songs together and were the ultimate drill rap duo.Their club showing was set for 8:00PM so von had about 3 hours to get dressed.First von decided to make breakfast since he'd had not eaten since last night.As he walked up to his fridge it totally slipped his mind that their was no food in the fridge.

Von just voted on waiting till Durk came so he can eat."damn I ain't got no food in dis muthafucka" von said annoyed.He now proceeded to walk into his big walk-in closet to put on an outfit for his showing today.Von looked through his many clothes and just decided on a white shirt despite all the colorful designer shirts before him.One thing about von was that he liked to dress simple.It wasn't that he was lazy,he just didn't like to be flashy all the time.

He put on his tight white shirt and threw on some grey Nike sweatpants.He loved sweatpants better than jeans because he felt they were more comfortable.He put on his freshest white air force 1s with red socks and a red hat to add color to his bland outfit.After studying himself in the mirror he put on this o'block chain and rubbed his hands together in his closet.

Von loved himself and always thought he was good looking so he often hyped him self up in the mirror."grandson put that shit on" he said happily while observing his muscles as he flexed them.

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