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8:00PM Von is currently in his house

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8:00PM Von is currently in his house.He is scrolling on instagram while laying on his soft,comfty bed.Von comes across all of these pretty girls and instagram models on his feed. However all he can think about is this girl Mishay. He constently brings himself back to that moment they shared when they met each other. He has never seen anyone as beatiful as her.

Her smile made him feel like he was a little boy in highschool crushing all over again.It seems like she made him feel a feeling he never thought was possible. Von was fascinated with this girl and he knew it. He remembered he had her phone number and decided that he'd just text her to satisfy his thoughts about her.


8:07PM Mishay and rubi we're now watching a horror series.Mishay was watching the movie blankly as the only thing on her mind was those precious eyes she saw the other day. Her mind wonders why he hadn't took advantage of having her phone number.She slowly starts to think that she was just another one of his many thots because him being a rapper slipped her mind before.

*ting*ting* A noise came from her phone erasing her thoughts causing rubi to look.

"that must be that von guy you were talking to at the studio" rubi said while grinning in her direction.

" I doubt he is thinking about little old me" Mishay said with a sigh, she was sure von wouldn't pay her any attention as she was very inscecure.

She looked to check her phone and saw an unknown number left her a notifacation.She immediately assumed it was Coby trying to contact her resulting in her regretting turning her phone back on.

She clicked on the notification to block it when she discovered it was von texting her,With this new found information she gasped with excitement.

"omg rubi look"Mishay said excitingly while Turing her phone in rubi's direction to show her the text messages.

"girl reply " rubi said to Mishay as she paused the show.
After saving his contact for further conversation she started to type back........

  After saving his contact for further conversation she started to type back

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