3| Arranged To Love

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Abhyudaya and Gautami's story began like many others in their culture: with an arranged marriage. They had met just twice before their wedding day, both meetings filled with polite conversations and careful smiles.

On their wedding night, Abhyudaya looked at Gautami and gently said, "I know this is all new and perhaps a little strange for both of us. Let's take it one step at a time."

Gautami nodded, her heart racing. "Yes, I agree. Let us take it slow and get to know each other well."

The first few weeks were a series of small, hesitant gestures. They shared meals, exchanged stories of their childhoods and slowly, a sense of comfort began to grow.

One evening, while they were sitting on the terrace, a sudden downpour drenched them both. Instead of running inside, Abhyudaya laughed and pulled Gautami into a dance under the rain.

"I have not danced in the rain since I was a kid," Gautami confessed, her cheeks flushed with joy.

"Me neither," Abhyudaya replied, twirling her around. "It is wonderful, isn't it?"

From that moment, their bond began to deepen. Abhyudaya noticed how Gautami's eyes sparkled when she talked about her passion for painting. He surprised her one day with a set of canvases and paints.

"I thought you might like these," he said, handing her the gift.

Gautami's eyes widened with delight. "Thank you, Abhyudaya! This is so thoughtful of you. I love these!"

They spent many evenings in their cozy living room, with Gautami painting and Abhyudaya reading or simply watching her, mesmerized by her concentration and creativity.

Another special moment happened between them when Abhyudaya fell ill with a high fever. Gautami took care of him with such tenderness and concern that it touched his heart deeply. She stayed up all night, placing cold compresses on his forehead and ensuring he was comfortable.

When he finally recovered, Abhyudaya took her hands in his and said, "You took such good care of me, Gautami. I don't know how to thank you."

She smiled softly. "Isn't that what partners do for each other?"

As time went on, these small, precious moments built a bridge of affection between them. They celebrated each other's successes, comforted each other in times of sorrow, and discovered the joy of companionship.

One evening, Abhyudaya planned a special dinner on the terrace where they had danced in the rain. Under a canopy of twinkling fairy lights, he nervously fidgeted with his hands as he waited for Gautami to arrive. When she stepped out, looking radiant in a simple yet elegant dress, his heart skipped a beat.

"Gautami," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "there's something I need to say."

She looked at him with curiosity and a hint of anticipation. "What is it, Abhyudaya?"

He took a deep breath and continued having her hand in his, "When we first got married, I was unsure of what our future would hold. But over time, you have become more than just my wife. You have become my best friend, my confidant, the reason for my happiness. I have fallen in love with you, Gautami. Truly, deeply and wholeheartedly."

Gautami's eyes filled with tears and she reached out to touch his cheek. "Abhyudaya, I feel the same way. I love you too. I did not expect this to happen so soon but I am so happy it did."

They embraced, holding each other tightly, their hearts beating in unison. In that moment, they knew that their love, born out of an arranged marriage, was genuine and enduring.

From then on, their lives were filled with love, laughter and the unshakeable bond they had built together. Abhyudaya and Gautami's journey from strangers to soulmates was a testament to the beautiful unpredictability of love.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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