66| Surprise

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Gautami stood backstage, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. She had performed countless times before, but tonight felt different.

This was the first time she would sing a song she had written herself, a song that bared her soul, her love and her journey with her beloved Abhyudaya.

The auditorium was filled with people but her thoughts were consumed by one person-Abhyudaya. He was away on a business trip, or so he had told her.

Gautami had tried not to let it bother her that he could not be there for this important moment but it did. She pushed the thought aside and took a deep breath. This was for him whether he was here or not.

The lights dimmed and the audience quieted down as the host introduced her. Gautami adjusted the microphone and walked onto the stage, the spotlight warm against her skin.

She could barely see the audience through the bright lights but she knew they were there, waiting for her.

"Good evening everyone," she began, her voice steady but soft. "Tonight, I am going to sing a song that is very special to me. It is a song about love, about finding someone who becomes your everything. And it is written by me so I hope you like it and feel it for your special someone."

The first notes of the piano filled the air and Gautami closed her eyes, letting the music guide her.

"Endless Melody💞"

🎶When the morning light touches your face,
I see a love that time cannot erase,
Through every storm, through every tear,
You have been my strength and my heart, my dear🎶

As she sang, her voice flowed with emotion, telling the story of how she and Abhyudaya had met, became friends, how he was always there for her, how they both experienced the feeling of love for each other and decided on their forever with one another building a life together. Every word, every note was infused with the depth of her feelings for him.

🎶You are my endless melody,
A song that plays eternally.
In every note and in every line,
I find your love, so pure, so kind.
With you, my heart will always sing,
You are my everything🎶

Halfway through the song, Gautami opened her eyes and her breath was caught in her throat.

There, standing at the back of the auditorium was Abhyudaya. He had made it. Her voice wavered for just a moment as a surge of joy and disbelief hit her but she quickly regained her composure and continued singing, her heart now lighter than ever.

🎶When the night falls and dreams unfold,
I feel your warmth, your hand to hold,
In every laugh and in every sigh,
You have been my wings, you have made me fly🎶

🎶You are my endless melody,
A song that plays eternally.
In every note, in every line,
I find your love, so pure, so kind.
With you, my heart will always sing,
You are my everything🎶

Abhyudaya watched her with a soft smile, his eyes never leaving her. He had planned this surprise for weeks, coordinating his return with her concert without her knowing.

Seeing her on stage, pouring her heart out in the song she had written, filled him with pride and love. He had always known she was talented, but this was something else. She was radiant.

As the song came to an end, the audience erupted in applause but Gautami's eyes were fixed on Abhyudaya. He started to walk towards the stage, and she could not hold back the tears any longer.

The host came back on stage, smiling widely. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like we have a very special guest tonight. Let us welcome Mr. Abhyudaya Mohan. Gautami's husband and her lifeline who has just arrived!"

The spotlight shifted to Abhyudaya as he climbed the stairs and approached her.

Gautami's hands trembled as she held the microphone, trying to process what was happening.

Abhyudaya took the microphone gently from her hand and looked into her eyes. "I could not miss this Gautami. There is nowhere else I would rather be."

The audience watched, some with tears in their eyes as Abhyudaya wrapped his arms around her. Gautami leaned into him, feeling his warmth, his presence and his love. It was all she needed.

"I wrote that song for you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

"I know," Abhyudaya replied, kissing her forehead softly. "I really felt it and it was absolutely beautiful, just like you."

They stayed like that for a moment, wrapped in each other's embrace while the audience's applause grew louder. Then, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, Abhyudaya pulled back and looked at her.

"How about an encore?" He suggested, his voice teasing.

Gautami laughed through her tears. "Only if you sing it with me."

The crowd roared with approval as Abhyudaya nodded, taking the microphone.

They both turned to face the audience and Gautami felt her nerves vanish completely. With her Abhyudaya by her side, she knew she could do anything.

Together, they sang the song once more, their voices blending perfectly. The lyrics took on a new depth, now that they were singing it together, a couple who had been through so much and come out stronger.

🎶Through all the years that pass us by,
I will love you till the stars go dry,
In every dawn and in every dusk,
Our love will never turn to dust🎶

🎶You are my endless melody,
A song that plays eternally.
In every note, in every line,
I find your love, so pure, so kind.
With you, my heart will always sing,
You are my everything🎶

🎶So here is my heart, it is yours to keep,
In every waking, in every sleep,
You are the song within my soul.
My love, my life, you make me whole.
You are my endless melody,
Forever and always, you will be with me🎶

When the last note faded, the room was silent for a heartbeat before the applause began again, louder and more enthusiastic than before.

Gautami looked at Abhyudaya, her heart full with contentment. This was more than she could have ever hoped for ever.

As they left the stage hand in hand, Abhyudaya leaned in and whispered, "I love you Gautami. Always."

Gautami smiled up at him, her eyes shining. "I love you too Abhyudaya. Forever."

And in that moment, under the bright lights and in front of everyone, they both knew that their love was a song that would never end. It was written by Gautami but the universe would keep it flowing forever.

The end❤


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