58| Journey Towards Love

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Idea suggested by: Slayy_fan, thank you💗

The Proposal♡

Abhyudaya was a man who held traditional values close to his heart. He believed in the sanctity of marriage and the beauty it brought into one's life. When his parents informed him that they had found a suitable match for him, he was genuinely excited.

His mother, Mrs. Mohan explained, "Her name is Gautami. She is a literature major, well-educated and comes from a good family. We will be visiting her family this weekend."

Abhyudaya felt a thrill of anticipation. He knew that arranged marriages had their own unique charm and the potential for a deep bond.

Meanwhile, in a different part of the city, Gautami was in turmoil. She had always imagined falling in love first and then getting married. The idea of an arranged marriage felt alienated and constricting.

"Mom, I do not want to get married yet," Gautami said, her voice tinged with frustration.

Her mother, Mrs. Kawale, gently responded, "Gautami, we are not forcing you. Just meet him once. Your father and I believe he could be a good match for you. Please, for our sake, just consider it."

Gautami loved her parents deeply and their happiness meant the world to her. After much contemplation, she agreed to meet Abhyudaya.

The First Meet♡

The day of the meeting arrived. Abhyudaya and his family arrived at Gautami's home with a sense of excitement and nervousness.

When Abhyudaya saw Gautami for the first time, it was as if everything around him faded away. She was beautiful but more than that, she had an aura of intelligence and grace that captivated him.

Gautami, on the other hand was polite but distant. She participated in the conversation out of respect for her parents, but her heart was not in it.

After the families exchanged pleasantries, Abhyudaya and Gautami were left alone to talk.

"I know this is awkward," Abhyudaya began, his voice calm and sincere. "But I want you to know that I genuinely believe in the institution of marriage. I think it is a beautiful journey to embark on with the right person."

Gautami looked at him, her expression neutral. "I appreciate your honesty. But for me, this feels very sudden and forced."

Abhyudaya nodded. "I understand. I am not here to pressure you. I just hope we can get to know each other better and see where it leads us."

A Reluctant Arrangement♡

Despite her reservations, Gautami agreed to the marriage, mainly to pay honour her parents' wishes. The wedding was a grand affair, filled with joy and celebration from both families. But beneath the festive exterior, Gautami's heart remained distant.

Abhyudaya sensed her reluctance but hoped that with time, she would come to see his genuine care and affection for her. He treated her with utmost respect, always considering her needs and feelings.

Messed Up♡

After the wedding, life settled into a routine. Abhyudaya was patient and kind, always trying to make Gautami comfortable. However, Gautami often responded with coldness and indifference.

One evening, after a particularly tense day, Abhyudaya tried to bridge the gap. "Gautami, I know you are unhappy with our marriage but I want to make you feel better. So can we talk about it if you want ofcourse?"

She looked at him, her eyes hard. "This is all because of you. If you had not agreed to this marriage, I would not be stuck in this situation."

Her words cut deep, but Abhyudaya maintained his composure. "I am sorry you feel that way but all I just want is to see you happy."

Keeping The Hope Alive♡

As months passed, Gautami began to notice small things about Abhyudaya. He never raised his voice, always listened patiently and went out of his way to make her life easier. Slowly, her resentment began to wane, replaced by a grudging respect.

One evening, Abhyudaya returned home late, looking heavily exhausted. He found Gautami waiting for him, a worried look on her face.

"Why were you so late tonight? Did you eat anything or such? She asked, her concern genuine.

Abhyudaya smiled softly. "No, I have not. I was busy with work. Infact, way too busy."

Without saying anything, Gautami brought him dinner, her actions gentle and caring. For the first time, Abhyudaya saw a glimmer of warmth in her eyes.

His Love For Her♡

Determined to make Gautami realize his love, Abhyudaya planned a special evening. He remembered her love for literature and arranged a surprise for her at home.

That evening, Gautami walked into the living room to find it transformed. Fairy lights twinkled and a cozy reading nook was set up with all her favourite books. In the center, there was a note from Abhyudaya.

"My Gautami, I know this new journey with me has not been easy for you but I just want you to know that I am here for you always. I hope this brings a little joy to your heart. Love, your Abhyudaya."

Tears welled up in Gautami's eyes as she read the note. She realized how much effort Abhyudaya had put into understanding her and making her happy.

Love Realized♡

The next morning, Gautami found Abhyudaya in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. She walked up to him and hugged him from behind, her heart overflowing with emotions.

"Thank you Abhyudaya," she whispered. "For everything."

Abhyudaya turned around, his eyes wide with surprise and hope. "Gautami...."

She looked into his eyes, her own filled with love. "I have been so blind. You have always been there for me, and I was too stubborn to see it. I am sorry."

Abhyudaya cupped her face in his hands, his voice soft. "You have nothing to apologize for. I am just glad you are happy."

Gautami smiled through her tears. "I have realized something important and that is I love you Abhyudaya."

Hearing those words, Abhyudaya's heart soared. He embraced her tightly, both of them holding on to each other with a newfound understanding and deep affection.

In that moment, all the misunderstandings and pain melted away, replaced by the warmth of true love and the promise of a beautiful future together.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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