Chapter 7: Secrets Unveiled

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As So-Young and Min-Jae walked through the moonlit garden, the air heavy with tension, So-Young's heart raced with anticipation. She couldn't shake the feeling that whatever Min-Jae had to say would change everything.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Min-Jae?" So-Young asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Min-Jae glanced around nervously before turning to face her, his expression troubled. "There's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something I've been keeping from you."

So-Young felt a surge of unease at the seriousness of his tone, her mind racing with possibilities. What could Min-Jae possibly be hiding from her?

"I... I'm not who you think I am," Min-Jae confessed, his gaze never wavering from hers. "I'm not just the class clown, the jokester. I'm... I'm someone else entirely."

So-Young's heart skipped a beat at Min-Jae's revelation, her mind struggling to process his words. Who was Min-Jae really, beneath the mask he wore for the world?

But before she could respond, a voice called out from behind them, breaking the tense silence.

"So-Young, Min-Jae," Sang-Woo's voice echoed through the garden, his footsteps quickening as he approached. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

So-Young turned to face him, her mind racing with questions. What could Sang-Woo possibly want to talk to them about now?

"We need to talk," Sang-Woo said, his expression serious. "It's about Mi-yeon."

So-Young felt a surge of apprehension at the mention of Mi-yeon's name, her mind racing with possibilities. What could Sang-Woo possibly have to say about her?

As they walked together through the moonlit garden, So-Young couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to change. Little did she know that amidst the blossoming cherry trees and starlit skies, the secrets that had been hidden for so long were about to be unveiled, revealing truths that would shatter the fragile bonds of friendship and love.

Stay tuned for Chapter 8, where the truth emerges and the consequences of secrets revealed threaten to tear apart the very fabric of their world.

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