4~Under The Weather

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Sebastian's point of view

As I exited the young masters study I set out to find lady (y/n). I checked around the grounds and fields. I searched high and low of the mansion for her. I looked in the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, all of the lounge rooms, the library and now I'm at her room. I knock on the door and hear shuffling around in the room. When the door opens I see a pale looking (y/n).

"Are you feeling alright lady (y/n), you look rather pale?" I ask as I take in her appearance and how sickly she's looking.

"It's just (y/n) I'm not a noble, and I think I might have tasted to many cakes with bardoy earlier today." She says as she reaches up and touches her temples.

"You should lay down." I say as I usher to her to her bed and lay her down. I sigh.

As she slowly drifts to sleep I take my glove off and place my hand on her forehead.moh no she's burning up she must have a fever I should get mey-rin or finny to tend to her. I leave to go find one of the two.

Your point of view

"(Y/n),(y/n)....time to wake up."

I groan as I turn on my side to face the door. I open my eyes slowly adjusting them to the lighting of the room. I look to the side of the bed finding a bowl of water and a rag. Then there standing at the door is ceil. Oh no I'm still in my French maids out fit. It's showing way to much of my legs.

"Ceil what happened" I groaned out.

"You ate to much and got a stomach which lead to your fever." He said with a look of concern clouding his eyes.

"Well I feel better now....but how long was I out?" I say looking towards the window.

"A couple hours, mey-rin made sure you didn't get worse or anything." He said as I light blush made its way onto his pale cheeks.

"Well....I'm kinda still tired....so..." ,I whisper nervously as reach up and tug on his sleeve,"sleep with me?"

"O-ok if it'll make you feel better I-I guess I can" I giggle at his stuttering and move the covers.

He slips in next to me and I can't help but feel a blush burn its way up on to my cheeks. I look into his blue eye and smile. I wonder why he wears that eye patch. I yawn as I slip in to a peaceful sleep and go off to my nightmare filled sleep.

Ceil point of view

I look at (y/n) peaceful sleeping face. I brush a strand of her (h/c) hair out of her face. Hair shouldn't cover such a beautiful face. I notice the look of distress make its way on to her face as a single tear makes it way down her cheek. I reach my thumb up and slowly rub my thumb over her cheek wiping away the tear. Her skin is so soft.

I smile at her. The look of fear taking over her face. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to me. Her head leaning on my chest. Her breathing slowed and a peaceful look covered her features. She looked so stunning and magnificent. I guess she was having a nightmare and I know how terrible those can be. With one last look at her beauty I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

My Heart Is Yours  (black butler, ceil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now