Chapter 1 || Beginning Of The End

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Hi my name is Marissa I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm almost 15 but my birthday is at the end of August so I'm 14 and school just ended. why I have to try and get out of this crowd.

Ugh finally. I started penny boarding home with my best friend autumn.
"So what are you going to do this summer" she asked me
"Watch Netflix and eat" I say
"Ha same you want to come over tomorrow" she asked
"Sorry can't my parents are making me go camping" I say
"Well maybe you can stay at my place" autumn asked
"Ya I'll ask" I say
"Well bye" I say
"Bye text me" she said
"I will" I say and we turned are ways.

I was walking when I heard foot steps behind me.
I stop and so do the foot steps. I turn around and see nothing.
I'm probably going crazy. it's probably just another kid coming home. Wait do kids live on this street. oh ya they do my neighbour. ok in going crazy.
I was walking when I see this boy in like a few good feet away from me. he must be lost. I think I'll just leave him. he has brown hair sliked up and her had brown eyes he was pretty tall. taller then me and I'm really tall a girl. I'm like almost 5'9.
I keep walking to my house when He run up to me.
"Hey um I'm lost do you know where the Los Angeles skate park is" he asked me he had brown hair under a beanie  and her had brown eyes he was pretty tall. taller then me and I'm really tall a girl.
I know exactly where the skate park is being me and my best friend autumn love to penny board and do skate tricks.
"Um ya it's not far from here maybe a few block. so first just go down the street then turn a.." I was cut off by someone putting his hand on my mouth.
See my big sister USED to put her hand on my mouth. now her knows what j will do if her hand comes near me. let's just say I bite.. bite hard.
So I bite this person hand as hard as I could and made a run for it.
"HELPPPP SOMEONE TRYING TO KILLLL MEEEE HE..." i was cut off my getting tackled to the ground
"Oh sweetie your not going any where" a guy says he takes out a rug. i know I'm stupid but I know that this is a drug that makes you pass out. no thanks buddy that's not happening.
He put it over my mouth.
I didn't breath it in but I prednaded to pass out.
And they fucking fell for it.
"Kian I got her" the guys who "drugged me" said
I hear two parts of foot steps walk up to me and this guy.
"I see that Connor put her in the truck" I'm guess Kian said
"Damn she's fast" someone else said
"Ya but not as fast as me" connor said
I swear I'm going beat the shit out of him.
"You got lucky connor" the other voice said
Ok so there Kian connor but who the other vo....
"Shut up Trevor" connor said
Well I guess his name is Trevor.
"Ok now put her in the truck quick" Kian said
"Ok dude chill" Trevor said
They put me in the car. it was cold and my back was against I think leather and a here a click and something going around me I'm guessing a seat belt well at lest my kidnappers care😑
Then I felt the car start to move.
Then I actually fell asleep because I'm really tired after a long day at school.

I woke up and remember what happened. I GOT KIDNAPPED.
I open my eyes to see a boy with blue eyes and  brown hair we look to be my age. And I see that it still day light.
"KIAN SHE AWAKE" the guys beside me yelled
"Come the f down Trevor" another guy who had light brown hair said he's in the passenger seat
I right now am scared to death can someone just kill me now.
"What do I do" I think Trevor asks
"Talk to her" the guys driving says
"Hi my name is Trevor" he said and put his hand out to shake
I didn't take it. I just blankly looked at him
"Ok this isn't working" Trevor said giving up
"Ugh let me try" the guy driving says and he pulls over.
The guy with light brown hair takes the wheel and Trevor? Went to the passage seat well the guy that was driving went in the back where I was.
We started driving.
"Hi my name is Kian this is Trevor" "hey" " and this is connor" "hey"
"What about you what's your name" he asked
I bet they know my name already but I'm not giving in.
"Ok do you want to play a game" Kian asked
I look at him with a different look like "what is it" look
"Ok I'll ask you questions and you answer" he says
I shake my head no
"Why don't you talk to me it's ok your safe" he said
I'm safe I'm safe I'm with people who just fricking kidnapped me and they want to be friends hell na.
Should I talk or no.
I open my mouth then I..close it
"What did you want to say" he asks me
I shake my head
"I'm just going to ask what's you name I'm Kian" he says
I give up but I'm still going to make them miserable.
"Marissa" I say quietly
"Hi Marissa do you want to play a game" he ask
No that just sounds so fucking wrong
"No" I say
"Then what do you want to do
"GO HOME" I said loud in a duh tone
"Well that's not going to happen" connor said
"Why am I here in the first place" I say
"You'll find out sooner or later" Trevor said
"Well I want to know sooner" I say
"Well to bad" connor said
"Then were are we going" I ask
"Somewhere" Trevor said
"Where" I say
"A place" Kian said nicer
"What kind of place" I say
"You will find out" kian said
"I don't want to find out I want to know" I say
"Ugh shut up" Trevor says
"How about you shut down" I say
"Ok how about me and you talk and leave Trevor and connor alone" Kian said
"How about you play that game" Trevor said
I give him a dirty look
"Whatever" I say and look out the window.
It was night time and the stars look really pretty
I'm a big fan of the night because I think the sky looks really pretty and the nice air. but we are in a car and not outside. ugh I hate this but who wouldn't.
"How about you go to sleep" Kian says
"I'm good" I say
"Come on its pretty late" Kian said
"I'm not tired" I say
"Do you want to talk" Kian said
"No" I say
"Then go to sleep" he says
"No" I say
"ok then let's talk" he says
"N.." I was cut cut by Kian
"So how old are you" he asks
"Ok I'm done can't take it" I say
"Marissa please go to sleep" Kian said rubbing my back
I am like shivering because I'm so scared.
"It's ok Marissa" he says
Trevor gave Kian a look
"Marissa I'm sorry" he says and grabs a rag
"No no I'll be good please don't please please don't" i say
"To late" Kian says and put the rag over my mouth and I ended up breathing it in. I know smart Marissa. but soon very thing went....BLACK
That's right your welcome first chapter up I just
couldn't wait. New chapter every week.
Love ya

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