Chapter 4 || MY HAIR?!?!

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marissa pov

i woke up in a house? i have no idea where i am. but i hear voice of i thing 6 boys. wait i was kidnapped. ugh why do i keep forgetting. but there was only 3 boys not 6. ok ok I'm going crazy. whats new. i scream. and someone puts there hand on my mouth and i bite and realize that i just bit kian's hand. i have to say kian looks cute with a beanie. wait. stop. he kidnaped you. you cant fall for him.

i just look around the room and i was right there was 6 boys.

"hi my name is ricky this is JC "sup dude" and this is sam "hey" whats your name" ricky? asked

i hided my face in kian's chest.

"marissa there nice" kian whispered to me

"ok do you want me to show you your room" jc asked

i just looked at him.

"oh no we're back to this" connor said

"what" sam asked

connor whispered someone thing to ricky jc and sam.

"ok let me show you your room" jc said

jc got up and went over to me. he picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

i scream and lets just say I'm good at screaming.

"can you shut up" he said

i stop sceaming for a second then i started again.

jc smacked my butt

"HEYYY" i yell

"then shut up" he said and i did. not because he said to because i wanted to and I'm stinking to that.

"hey we are" jc said

and he put me down in a room on the floor.

i look up at him

he just laugh

i look around the room. i could tell we were in a attic because we went up many stairs. i have to say jc's pretty strong.

the room look like a Tumblr room for teens. i really little it. at home i had to share a room with my sister which was really bad because i was always getting kicked out of are room because she had boys over. now i have a huge room to myself. if i was just given a corner to sleep in i would be fine. fine.
I mean I was fucking kidnapped and they gave me this HUGE room.
Ok then..

"so what do you think" jc said

i open my mouth then closed it. jc laughed

"speechless i know" jc said

i ran up to him and hugged him. he hugged back. just then a little dog ran into the room.

i not scared of dogs its just umm OK IM SCARED OF DOGS because of what happened when i was i little kid. i not tell you that story hell na.

i jump and see jc laughing well he picks up the little dog.

"this is wishbone" jc said "he doesn't bite youhope"

i look at him with a confused look.

"nothing" he said he put wishbone down and wishbone came running at me.

i scream and run out of the room downstair to the living room. Which was far. by the time i was downstairs i was out of breath. and i fell to the ground breathing heavily. the boys came run towards me and when they saw me they burst into laughed well kian helped me up.

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