Chapter 20 || Starbuck, The Beach And Singing?

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Marissa pov

i change into a black daisy crop top and light high waisted short shorts and a peach bikini and the top was bando. i took my hair out of the braid and just put a snapback on and i redid my make up so it was water proof.

i grabbed by galaxy with purple wheels. i then went downstairs and see all the guys waiting.

"ugh took you long enough" ricky said

"shut up" i say rolling my eyes "lets go" i say

we all went outside and started penny boarding to starbucks.

"hey guys can i autumn come" i ask well we were penny boarding to starbucks

"sure" jc says

i took out my phone and called her.


M-hey you want to come to the beach with me and the boys

A-ya sure ill be there in like 10 minutes

M-ok meet us at starbuck wait ill get you something what do you want

A-ill take a caramel frap

M-ok see ya in 10

i then put my phone back in my pocket.

"she meeting us at starbucks in 10" i say

"ok" they all say

we got to starbucks well that took like 5 minutes. ok.

we got in and i see jenn and a girl I've never seen before.

"marissa this is andrea" jenn says

"hi" i say

"hey" she says

we then just waited in line when i got to the front jc order.

"hey marissa what do you want" jc asked

"ill take 2 caramel fraps" i say

"k" he say we all order and waited like 5 minutes you know the usual.

i grabbed the 2 drinks and then autumn can in.

"hey autumn" i say

"hey marica" she says

"oh grade 6" i laugh and give her her drink.

"thanks" she says taking the drink

"welcome" i say back

"hey autumn" Mikey say

autumn look shocked

"wait Mikey is that you i thought you were in new york" she says

"i was I'm now staying with marissa" he says

autumn looks at me she smirks and wiggles her eye brows.

i laugh.

"lets go to the beach" i yell

"marissa no yelling" jc says

"come on have some fun" i say walking outside with everyone else.

we all then start penny boarding o the beach its about 20 away.

"so autumn you miss me" mikey says just trying to bug her

"i didn't but i know someone has" autumn says hinting me

autumn pov

i really want marissa and Mikey to get together. i mean come on there are perfect together. all i have to do is push them together. ;)

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