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In the depths of my mind, a darkness consumes
As I battle with demons, my soul it consumes
Depression it's called, a foe so strong
It grips me tightly, all day long
Anxiety joins in, a tag team of pain
My heart races, my thoughts are in vain
A constant worry, a persistent fear
It paralyzes me, I shed many a tear
Overthinking takes over, a vicious cycle it starts
I'm trapped in a maze, it's tearing me apart
Every decision, every action I take
Is scrutinized by my mind, a never-ending ache
I try to escape, I try to break free
But these three foes are always with me
They feed off each other, a deadly alliance
Leaving me drained, without any defiance
No one can see the war inside of me
As I put on a smile, pretending to be happy
But the fight continues, a battle I can't win
For these three enemies reside within
I'm tired of this struggle, I'm tired of the pain
But I keep fighting, I try to maintain
Hope flickers within me, a glimmer of light
As I search for peace, in this endless fight
So I'll keep on going, I won't let them win
For I am stronger, than the darkness within
I'll rise above, these feelings of despair
And find the courage, to breathe in fresh air.

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