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"Alright now dear-" Nene was fast asleep on the bed, so nenes mum picked her up and grabbed her phone, to see heaps of messages from Rui.

Rui Kamishiro

Nene, Are you okay?

Nene... Its almost been about 10 hours,

Are you okay?

Please don't tell me you've hurt yourself.

Hi there Rui Kamishiro, I am nenes Mum,

I see you are concerned about my daughter

But i see your sister is trapped in one of our


Oh my? Is she alright at least?!?!

And yes, that is my sister you guys have got.

Alright, we are going to be on our way soon,

You may want to be out the front ready to hold

Nene. She's badly beaten up unfortunately.

We will also bring your sister along aswell.

Oh my god. I'll set up the spare room for you

Guys, but ill make sure that my parents are

Aware aswell.

Dont worry about putting enough

Blankets for two, ill let nene sleep

With you, cause yall seem like your


But we will be there around 7-8am

So be prepared please.

My parents should be awake now anyways.

I will talk to them now :)

Sounds good. See you guys soon!

Nene would start waking up, and start panicking cause she couldn't find her phone. "Here's your phone back nene, I just had to text someone to tell them we were going to be on our way soon." Nenes hugs her mum tightly as she instantly knew who she had messaged. "Alright, we should probably get Rui's sister then get our asses out of here, I hate it here dear don't worry." As they went down to the prison cells, they saw Mizuki in the corner of the cell scared and worried. Nene would get off nene's mum's back. "Tsukasa. Please let this girl free." Tsukasa gets shocked. "Why would you want me to do such a thing, princess?" Nene would look at tsukasa and mizuki turns around to realise who it is at the cell door now. Tsukasa sighed and got the key to the cell. "Here you go princess." Nene opens her arms up to mizuki. "Yay! Nene is here for me!!" Tsukasa couldn't help but to smile. "Thank you Tsukasa. It was nice meeting you. Tell Emu my goodbyes from me and my mother." Tsukasa froze and thought about it. "Wait where are you guys going?" Before they could answer they were gone. About an hour into them leaving, because they had to take back ways to avoid being caught. Nene starts looking pale. "Uh, nene... Are you okay?" Nene's mum looks at her and stops to pick her up. Next thing they knew, nene was passed out once again. "Mizuki come hold my hand." Nene's mum would hold out her hand for Mizuki to hold as they approached the border of the jellyfish kingdom. Nene's mum turned around and knew it was probably the last time she would come back. As they crossed the border, they were soon enough met by the castle where they had to get to. They got to the gate and Rui was waiting out the front and when he saw mizuki he knew Nene and her mum weren't far behind. "Rui! Come here quickly! Nenes passed out in my arms!" Rui would run down and get Nene out of her mum's arms. Rui took one look at Nene and started tearing up. He got inside and went past his parents and they had seen how beated nene was. Rui rushed up to his room with nene and laid her down in his bed, wrapping her up in all of his most comfortable blankets. Nene's mum would finish talking to Ruis' parents and head up to his room with him and nene. "Has she eaten anything at all today?" Nene's mum would shake her head. "Oh alright then, can you leave the room for a moment then please." Nene's mum would then exit the room. 

// OCEANS LOVE \\ FANFIC + ANGST // by eris \\Where stories live. Discover now