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When the guards got closer and closer to the border, Mizuki wanted to investigate what they were gonna do. "Hi there! My name is mizuki! The princess of the jellyfish!! What are you guys doing here?! Are you guys here to play with me and my other jellyfish friends?" Tsukasa, Emu and the others look at each other then nod. "Get her." Emu says, and without any other command, Tsukasa grabs her and puts her into a cage. "BROTHER, HELP ME '' As Rui heard Mizuki's voice, "MIZUKI? WHERE DID YOU GO?" As rui looked around panicking, he then saw the mermaid kingdom guards taking her away. "No no no... this can't be happening" Emu then turned around to see the jellyfish prince, but before she could get anyone to get him, he swam away as fast as he could. As he got back to the castle, he could hear distant crying. "Who could be cryi- NENE." Rui would try to get up the staircase as fast as he could, but before he knew it he could see her holding a knife against her own neck. "Nene... You don't want to do that.." Rui would get closer slowly. "I'm a monster. The reason why they took your sister was for me to come home, so I'm better off dead anyways. I haven't been eating or anything. Please rui. Just let me be, or just take me home so then you can have your sister back, i'll go back to my abusive father just let me go." Rui just stood there absolutely shocked. You could start seeing the tears in his eyes. "Nene please, I can't let you go back, you don't deserve that kind of family, stay with me i can keep you sa-" Nene stops rui. "Just please listen to me, I don't deserve you, you need to leave me, I will figure this out myself. Just please. Take me back where I belong, have your sister back, I would prefer for you to be happy rather than myself." Nene would start breaking out into tears. "Nene... I care for my family, but I still care for you just as much, just please, they might not even do anything to my sister hopefully." Nene would continue sobbing into ruis chest. "But, I know the guards in the prison, the one in charge is literally dating the one in charge of guarding me. So please, leave me be, take me back." Rui would hold Nene close to him. "If that's what you wish, I will do that but the moment you're sick and tired of being over there I am always here for you." Rui would kiss her on the forehead. "So just be careful please, I care for you. So hold my hand and I'll take you back. I'll always be a screen away if you need someone to talk to." Nene would hold rui's hand. "My arms really hurt again... please dont tell my parents about it cause they will get really angry at me.. Well at least my dad will." Rui stops where he was and pulls nenes sleeves up to see fresh cuts. "Nene... I told you dont do this.. It hurts me just as much as you to see you like this..." Rui would go grab fresh bandages and put them on nenes cuts. "Thank you rui... I'm ready to go home. Just don't give up on me please." Rui runs his fingers through Nene's hair. "I won't give up on you that easily darling." Nenes stops for a moment to process what Rui just said. "Hm? What's wrong dear? Are you still not ready to go home yet? Cause if you don't just tell me we can turn around and head back to my place if you want." Nene shakes her head and starts swimming ahead.

// OCEANS LOVE \\ FANFIC + ANGST // by eris \\Where stories live. Discover now