15| Got rejected

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When i saw this vid on TikTok, i knew that i needed to do this. She then put it on YOUTUBE

Note: pls watch it guys and i just wanted to say, THAT KAI IS FREAKING ADORABLE😍

-angst with not happy ending
-IDK what to write more

AU: in this AU they are in a Highschool and they dont have powers and they are not ninjas. Kai and Cole are not that close friends or i should say they are not friends, but Kai has an indcrdibly big crush on Cole and he is adraid to confess... but Nya say that Jay  and Cole are best friends and Kai had the courage to tell him...

Read what will happen!

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Kai's POV:

I dont know what to do. He is so handsome and hot. I want to be with him. His green eyes are so beautiful. His hair. His lips i want to kiss. I want to belive that he likes me back.

I went home and i watched my phone, when Nya came in the room. "Big bro. Whats up?" She asked me. "Im ready Nya." She looked at me confused. "You want to confess to Cole? You're not scared if he rejects you?" She had a worried expression cause She knew that im a really hurtful person.

"Yes. I already planned everything! I will confess, he will say 'i like you too' then we got together and then he proposes to me, we will be husband and husband and then we will have children and after that we'll die together..."

I said with no breathing just the end. Nya looked me. "Look Kai, in our world we only can get a few dreams, not all and-" i cut her off. "But Nya! This is my only dream and i'm sure he likes me back!" I said with a proud and excited tone.

Nya just sighned and she zoomed out for a bit. "Nya? You there?" I questioned the girl and she got back to the reality. "Oh! Yes, i just realized something." She said and i asked her.
"What is it?" "Well... you know i have a boyfriend who's name is Jay." She said. I looked at her confused. "Yea, i know. What is it all abaut?" Nya took a deep breath and she opened her mouth. "Jay's best friend is Cole..."

Oh when I heard that. I felt like i have a bigger change. "REALLY?! THIS MEANS I HAVE A CHANGE?!" Nya immedeatly looked up. "WHAT?! NO! I DIDNT MEAN IT THAT WAY!!!" She shouted.

I looked dissapointed and i was abaut to cry. "Wait- i mean you have a change. I just wanted to say that those two know each other so you won't be a stranger to him...?" She gave a nervous smile.

"Okay then. I'll go to the park and maybe he would be there. BYEEEEE!!" I yelled and went out of the house.

Nya's POV:

"I can't believe this guy. I feel like i need to prepare some comfortimg things, so imma just do it." I said and i started to do some things.

Cole's POV:

I walked in the park with my headphones on and i listened Lady Gaga's Song on Spotify when i felt someone is watching.

I turned around and saw a boy with brown hair. I have a feeling that he's so familiar.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked the boy who was a blushing mess. I think this is Jay's girlfriend's brother.

"Mhhm. Yes. I want to tell you something." He said that. I looked annoyed and didn't answer him. I just looked at him with a rude face.

"I-i like you!" He said it and i heard it. I didn't care but he opened his mouth to speak again. "I said, i like you." He looked at me with an idk face or sm like that.

"If you're testing my patience you won't win..."

Kai's POV:

When i said that i like him, i couldn't see a single blush! Oh tell me he likes me back... right? "If you're testing my patience you won't win..." he said that. When i heard it, i wanted to cry. Its like he hates me...

I held back my crying 'cause i didn't want to look weak. I couldn't believe.... He doesen't likes me back... The only dream i had its now dissapeard...

I blushed due to embrassement. I had a really really small tear in my eyes, and i put a nervous smile on my face. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called Nya.

"Hey. Im done. Can you get me?" I said to the phone. 'Yes ofc.' She them hang up the phone. I looked up but Cole had already left....

I wanted to cry... Cry till my eyes break... but... i love him...i know he doesnt like me back but i still love him... i just want him...

I then heard a car behind me. "Hey Kai! How was it? Where's Cole?" She said and looked everywhere. I had tears in my eyes and i just sat in the car. "Just... lets go home." This was the thing i could only say.

"Okay. You... got...rejected?" She asked me. I wanted to yell that. 'NO! THEN WHY THE FUCK YOU THINK IM NOT SMILING BUT CRYING?!' but i didn't want to yell, cause she was my sister.

She was always there to me. "Y-yes. But i believe he hates me..."


[guys im crying while i write this. I just hate angst with Bad ending😭]


Nya's POV:

I shocked. I hated to see Kai like this. We got home and Kai went to the living room. I called Jay. "JAY!!" I shouted. 'Nya! Chill. What's up?' "Youre bestie rejected Kai! But not in a kind way. He was completly rude!" We talked abaut that....


I went to the living room and i saw Kai in his double sized blanket. He cried. I got him ice-cream, cake, muffin and all the sweets i found home. I comforted Kai.

He was like a stick teenage girl who got in a break up. Or her crush loves someone else. You know?

"But-but i love him..." he managed to say while crying. "If you really love him, then you need to let him go..."


SORRY IF THIS WAS SHORT! IM SO SAD AND IM CRYING!!!!😭😭 but i hope you have a good day or night!

~word count: 1087~

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