Chapter 6

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"What?! Why should we do that?!" Chad asked. "If we want to stop this, we need to be where she is. And that's the house." I said. Chad shaked his had. "Look, I know you don't want to go there, I do neither. But it is probably the only chance we have." I said. Chad looked at me and said that I'm right. "So, what is your plan?" He asked. "First of all, we're gonna need a holy cross. Second, salt. We're gonna spreed it around us, and throw it at her. Demons and ghost's hate that, it destroys them." I explained. "My parents have many of these. I can get them." He said. I nodded. We went to his home to get the stuff. At 9 we moved to the house. I was so scared. I don't know if it's gonna work. But I hope. I don't want Chad to die. Because if he does, there is nothing left for me. The same goes for him.

While we were walking to the house I didn't say a word. It felt like there was nothing inside me. I felt empty. The only thing that made me keep going was Chad. I didn't even realize that we were already there. "Should we go inside?" He asked me. I shaked my head. "No. It will work here." I said and started to spreed the salt around us. Not a second after we were ready, I saw a woman at the door. "She's here" I whispered. Chad kissed me one last time and then took my hand. Suddenly she started running in our direction. The woman changed her look into...Michael? I started crying. Chad threw the salt at her and all I heard her screaming. She changed her looks all over again.  Suddenly chrissy stood infront of me. "Chrissy?" I whispered again. She looked at me like she was disappointed and hurt. I couldn't stop crying. "Tessa, darling please get up! We need to do it now!" Chad screamed. I took the holy cross and pointed it in her direction. "Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude."

She got angry and ran around us. "Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude." We said again. I saw her running to me and suddenly everything went black. I only heard Chad's screams.


"Hello Tessa. How are you today?" A woman asked. Tessa didn't answer. She was sitting on a chair at a table. The walls of the room were pink and there was a bed and some plants in the room. Tessa was just staring and didn't move I finger. "And, how is she?" A man asked. "Nothing new. She still won't talk." The woman said. "Of course. She's traumatized and sick." The man explained. "Did the police say something about her friends? Were they found?" She asked. Tessa moved her head a little bit so she could look at the woman. "No, there is still no sign of them being alive. But they will stop looking." He said. "Well, it's been two years now. Obviously they stop looking. Gosh I feel so bad for their parents." She said. The woman noticed that Tessa was staring at her. She got scared and left the room with the other man.

It turned out that Tessa killed Chad herself in this night. She took a knife and stapped him. After that she went into the city covered in blood. Tessa is in a psychiatry now. She doesn't talk or move. Sometimes at night she was laughing or screaming randomly. But as soon as a doctor looks for her, she just sits on her bed, staring at the pink wall smiling. No one knows why she did that, but the police think that it was also Tessa who killed the other people. When the doctors left the room, she started smiling again. Then she laughed and started banging her head on the table. Her face was covered in blood and all she did was laughing. Another doctor came in and she stopped. She looked at the man and smiled, then she fell of the chair.

There was no funeral for Tessa. The priest said she was possessed by Rachel Lee, and he doesn't want a demon in his church. Even years later, people were still talking about the 2016 Montana murder case. People say that her soul is still there, that's why many Families left the city, they were worried about their kids, because they could do the same thing the teenagers did in 2016. No one ever took a step into the wood again. The bodies of the 6 missing kids were still not found.

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