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"Hell yeah, Mr. Leader Of The Free Galaxy is back. I knew you'd made it; I never doubted it." I heard Cross say as we all stepped out of Optimus. "We got your warning. We've been waiting." "Hell yeah, Boom time! We got the gang back together." Bee transformed and walked up the hill behind me. Then, of course, Optimus transformed, standing behind us.

"Humans have asked us to play by their rules. Well, the rules have just changed." "Human beings, a bunch of backstabbing' weasels." "Hound, find your inner compass. Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation." "What the hell are you saying?" "It's a haiku." "Cut the crap. Before I drop a grenade down your throat, "Try it, you're dead." I then laughed at them. This was the first time they really noticed me. I instantly got picked up, and Bee held me in front of his face. I immediately hugged him. But when Bee set me down, I then got picked up by my feet, and now I was upside down in the air looking at Crosshairs. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" "It's nice to see you too, Cross." I said sarcastically. "You know I'm just playing around. I'm glad you're okay." He said and grinned. He put me to the ground, and I also greeted Hound and Drift.

"Well, raise your hand if you're thoroughly disenchanted with our little, pleasant earth vacation." Cross spoke and raised his hand. Then he got out his cannons and said, "So who are the stowaways?" He spoke and bent down to hold his cannons to the other humans. "Oh, whoa, hey, what's with the guns?" Then hound rolled over and also aimed at them. "Stop. Hound, both of you. They've risked their lives for mine. We own them."

Hourse later, we sat at a fire and just talked. "So there's been no sign of the others?" "Nada. We are all that's left." "They're picking us off, one by one." Crosshairs spoke. "We're the pathetic, dirty foursome, and you make five." Hound said, then it went silent among us. "So, what's your story with them?" Cade asked and mentioned to the transformers. But before I could answered Crosshairs beat me to it. "Our little Y/n here was very important to save your planet, and after she did it once, she just did it two more times." He said and ruffled her hair with one finger. I lapped his finger away in a playful manner and looked at Cade. "That's kinda it. I met them years ago—well not all of them. I first met Bee and then Optimus. Just years later, I met Crosshairs, Drift and Hound. I helped them, and ever since I stayed with them." I said and motioned over to them. "Wow." Cade said. "Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Sensei, with your fate unknown, Bumblebee has held command, despite his complete and total lack of anything." I looked at them, annoyed. Not again. "Resembling warrior discipline." "Bee, "He's like a child." Then Bee had enough and stood up. "This child is about to kick your ass." "He brings us shame." Bee kicked Drift in the side, and they started fighting. I stood with Crosshairs and Hound as we watched. "Cage fight." Hound said, amused, "Smart ass." Drift replied. They fought until Drift held Bee with a sword under his Head. "Am I the lone sage who sees through this puppy-dog eyes act? It's beneath you." Drift said and let him go. "I like it." I said and went closer to 'em. "Yes! I've been waiting for them all to dispatch each other, so I can take charge with no trouble at all, just me reporting to me." "Well, it sure looks like you've been missed." Cade said to Optimus.

"Autobots, Lockdown, is hunting us. And humans are helping. We need to know why. "Well, listen, I don't know why, but I may haven an idea about whom." A few minutes later, we got Drift to change into his car mode, and we all sat next to him watching a video recording of autobots getting haunted. "This drone I stole recorded footage of an Autobot raid. It's in pieces but watch what happens here." "Oh, that's Leadfood." Hound said sadly, while I also watched with a sad face as I saw my friends getting hurt. "They rip him apart." "Savages" "And later, this truck comes to haul him off. KSI Kinetic Solutions. Defense, aerospace, government contracts. They designed this drone." "So these government guys just hunt you down, and pass you off to this KSI?" "The company is headquartered in Chicago." "That could be where they were taken. No way to get inside without a battle." "Well, what if you had some human help?" "What? Are you two partners now?" "Sweetie we are targets now, too, we need to know why, or we will never get our lives back." "Autobots, I have sworn to never kill humans." "Big mistake." Hound said, and I nodded, agreeing. "But when I find out who did this, they are going to die."

"Let's just sleep now." I said and looked up to the others who nodded at me. I went up to Optimus and he transformed. I opened the door and got in, after that I laid down, and I just felt the seatbelt getting tighter around me and the seat got warmer, making this very comfortable, and it didn't take 2 minutes until I was asleep. The next morning, we drove to the city to get a few things. Shane and Tessa were supposed to steal some stuff, where they really failed, I have to say. Cade was checking out KSI headquarters for a few hours, and I drove through the city with the autobots to find a place to stay for now.

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