I did it. I looked directly at myself in the mirror again. As if the tubby girl in the mirror would reply to me, I conversed with her. We spoke about so many things. I remember asking her why she let herself go and of course she blamed me. She told me I needed to stop avoiding her if I ever wanted to get anything done. Typical of her. It became a habit to ignore her whenever I didn't feel great. She makes me sick.
She revealed to me the parts she despised, the things she longed to transform in herself. Her plea for my help is always thick in its desperation.
And I'm here stuck believing she's not me.
Pink Blunts - Poetry
PoetryPink Blunts is a collection of my minds ideas. Let's say I'm trying to make sense of my brains none sense! Whether high or sober, our hearts and minds never stop wanting... wanting more in life, more love, hatred, lust and other things. We're all...