You're all so beautiful with that weirdly styled hair you did 3 days ago.
The hair band has knotted in place with those untangled curls.The natural eyeshadow that has darkened around your eyes,
proof of the hours you spend watching the little clones of yourself.Exhausted, over worked and under appreciated.
Here you stand with all your love ready to mend, teach, play and scold.You work endlessly.
Not just at home,
but in the office too.Everywhere.
Thank you to all mothers that stand so resilient behind and in front of the same children that pull and tug at their hair,
the same teenagers that yell at them,
and the same adults that ignore them.Without you where would the world be?
Where would we be?
Pink Blunts - Poetry
PoesiaPink Blunts is a collection of my minds ideas. Let's say I'm trying to make sense of my brains none sense! Whether high or sober, our hearts and minds never stop wanting... wanting more in life, more love, hatred, lust and other things. We're all...