-Keefe's Special Support-

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Sophie's POV:

Waking up the dreary sound of my alarm, signaling the start of another day filled with dread and uncertainty. Today I have my usual morning check up with my disease. The weight of what lies ahead hangs heavily in the air. I take a deep breath, trying to steel myself for what's to come. I slowly get ready, the familiar routine providing some sense of normalcy amidst the chaos that has become my life, I can't help but feel a sense of resignation settling in. 

Edaline and Grady, their faces are a mix of worry and determination, a silent reflection of the battle we are all facing together. The car ride is filled with tense silence, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine and the occasional sniffle from Edaline. I could tell it was difficult for her. We didn't know what the future held, but one thing was certain: our time together was limited. With that alone was very heartbreaking. 

The hospital looms ahead, its sterile walls and clinical atmosphere a stark contrast to the warmth of home. As we entered the waiting room, a familiar face catches my eye---Keefe, my best friend is there. "Hey there, Foster," he says with a crooked smile, his eyes betraying the worry he tries to mask. "What are you doing here Keefe? I didn't tell you about this appointment." I said confusion lacing my voice. 

"I have my ways, but I wouldn't miss an appointment for the world." I managed a weak smile in return grateful for his presence. Ever since he accidentally found out, I initially feared it would strain our relationship. However, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I now realize I couldn't have navigated this situation without his support. His unwavering support gives me the strength to face the unknown, to fight against the darkness the threatens to consume me. 

Sitting in the waiting room, the minutes ticking by agonizingly slow, Keefe easy banter and quick wit provided a much-needed distraction from the looming specter of what's to come. His jokes and stories weave a cocoon of normalcy around us, shielding me from the harsh reality of my condition. "You know, Foster," he says with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "I think we should paint these walls a brighter color. This dreary white is killing my vibe." I can't help but laugh, the sound echoing through the sterile room like a ray of sunshine cutting through the clouds. 

With Keefe being here, he always had a way of turning even the darkest moments into something bearable, something almost beautiful. Finally, my name is called, "Sophie Foster." the nurse calls out. I feel a knot form in my stomach as I exchanged a quick glance with Keefe before rising from my seat and making my way to the examination room. Together we made our way down the corridor, the soft thrum of conversation and the distant hum of medical equipment creating a backdrop to our steps.

Edaline and Grady trailing behind us. We entered the examination room, Dr. Vacker stood waiting for us, his warm smile a contrast to the clinical surroundings. "Sophie. It's good to see you," he greeted me, his voice filled with genuine concern. Keefe gave me an encouraging nod before taking a seat in the corner, his silent support a reassuring presence in the room. Dr. Vacker began the routine check-up, his gentle hands moving with practices ease as he went through the motions. 

I tried to relax, to push away the nagging worries that always seemed to lurk at the edge of my consciousness. But the fear was always there, a constant companion that refused to be silenced. "How's school going?" Dr. Vacker asked his voice breaking through my thoughts. I forced a smile, a facade I had perfected over the years. "It's fine," I replied, keeping my town light despite the heaviness in my heart. 

As the examination progressed, Dr. Vacker's expression grew more serious, his brow furrowing in concentration. I held my breath, waiting for the verdict that would determine the course of my future. Finally, he spoke his words like a balm to my anxious soul. "There's no reason to worry." he assured me, his voice soft but sure. I couldn't help but scoff at his famous words, the bitterness of reality coloring my response. 

"You know that phrase is ridiculous, right?" I quipped, unable to keep the sarcasm from seeping into my tone. Dr. Vacker raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing through my defenses, but an amused smile formed on his face. "I guess that's true Sophie," he insisted, his expression earnest. "You're strong, stronger than you know. You've faced challenges that would break others, and yet you still stand tall." I wanted to believe him, to let his words wash away the doubts that clung to me like a second skin.

 But the truth was a stubborn thing, refusing to be swayed by mere words. I knew the reality of my condition, the fragile balance that defined my existence. Keefe's hand found mine, his touch a silent reassurance that spoke volumes. I turned to him; the weight of my fears reflected in his eyes. "We'll get through this, Foster," he whispered, his voice a promise that echoed in the quiet room. In the corner of my eye, I caught Grady's glare but then it was quickly replaced with a look of concern, as he caught my stare. 

 As Dr. Vacker continued his examination, I let myself believe, if only for a moment, that maybe, just maybe, there was a reason to hope. Dr. Vacker finished the routine check-up, and as me we all walked out to the bustling waiting room. Keefe, always the jester, flashed a grin that lit up the room, his ice blue eyes sparkling with mischief. I couldn't help but smile in return, his infectious energy lifting my spirits. 

We walked outside into the sunlight, the warmth of the day embracing us, as Keefe, and I fell into an easy conversation about our plans. The idea of watching a movie at my house seemed like the perfect way to unwind, and Keefe's enthusiastic agreement made my heart flutter with anticipation. "I'd love to come over, Foster. Anything to avoid another lecture from Mommy Dearest," Keefe joked, his laughter echoing, I told my parents that I'd be heading with Keefe. 

The drive home was a joyful one, as Keefe joked, and we listened to our favorite music filling the air with a happiness. As we approached my house, the familiar sight of the house. Pulling into the driveway we hopped out of the car and the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze accompanied us, creating a serene backdrop to our laughter-filled chatter. Once inside, Edaline greeted Keefe with open arms, while Grady was glaring at him in the corner. 

I led Keefe to the living room, where we settled in front of the TV, surrounded by soft cushions and warm blankets. As the movie started, I stole glances at Keefe, his profile illuminated by the soft glow of the screen. His easy smile and genuine laughter filled the room, erasing any lingering worries from my mind. I found myself grateful for his friendship, for the way he could effortlessly lift my spirits with his lighthearted banter and unwavering loyalty. 

Lost in the world of the movie, I felt a sense of contentment settle over me, a rare moment of peace in the midst of life's chaos. Keefe's presence beside me was a comforting anchor, his easygoing nature a balm to my soul. As the credits rolled and the room fell into a comfortable silence, I turned to Keefe, gratitude shining in my eyes. "Thanks for coming over, Keefe. It means a lot to me," I said softly, the weight of my words hanging in the air between us. 

Keefe's eyes met mine, a warmth and understanding passing between us that spoke volumes. In that moment, I realized how fortunate I was to have him by my side, a constant source of laughter and light in a world often shrouded in darkness. "No problem, Foster. Anytime you need a movie buddy, I'm your guy," Keefe replied, his smile genuine and bright. And as the night stretched before us, filled with the promise of friendship and laughter, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I had Keefe and my family standing by me, a beacon of unwavering support in a world that could be both beautiful and terrifying.

In that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, I felt truly at peace, grateful for the bonds that held me close and the moments that made life worth living. And as I settled in for the night, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm light over us. 

We looked over my bucket list figuring out what we wanted to do together next. 


AHHHH! I'm sorry. Updates have been so dad gum slow. I had a very rough week last week and writers block was pretty bad this time. These slow updates are bothering me a LOT. 

I'm bringing back update days for all my fanfics. This book is updated "TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS" 

"Long endless highway, you're silent beside me. Driving a nightmare I can't escape from."

Keep Being Cool


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