-Under The Sea-

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A/N: "Under The Sea" The Little Mermaid. 

Sophie's POV: 

I looked outside at the beautiful morning with a hint of excitement bubbling in my chest. Today Keefe with the help of Edaline had planned to swim with Dolphins. One of the things that was on my bucket list, and I couldn't help but grin at the thought of spending time with these majestic creatures. The sun was high in the sky as I hurried to get ready. my mind buzzing with anticipation. I put on my favorite tankini and headed downstairs. 

Meeting Edaline and Grady at the car we drove to the meeting spot where we would be meeting Keefe. When we reached the spot, Keefe was already there, his ever present his ever-present smirk widening as he caught sight of me. "Hey, Foster! Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?" he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief. I grinned back at him, feeling a surge of happiness at his infectious energy. 

"Absolutely. Let's make some unforgettable memories today," I replied, my voice filled with genuine excitement.  Keefe was always the mastermind behind our adventures, and I was grateful for his ability to lift my spirits when I needed it most. Grady and Edaline met up with us and we headed to the dolphin pool, the sound of water gently splashing against the edges filled the air, adding to the anticipation coiling in my stomach. The pool sparkled under the sun, the crystal-clear water inviting us to dive in and explore its depths.

 I exchanged glances with Keefe, and we both sensed an unspoken understanding passing between us. Today was about more than just swimming with dolphins; it was a chance for me to forget about my worries, even if just for a few precious moments. The dolphins appeared like playful sprites, their sleek bodies gliding effortlessly through the water. I couldn't tear my gaze away from their graceful movements, feeling a sense of wonder wash over me. Keefe nudged me, breaking me out of my reverie. 

"Ready to dive in, Foster? Let's make some dolphin friends," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. I nodded eagerly, my heart pounding with anticipation. As we entered the water, a surge of coolness enveloped me, sending shivers down my spine. The dolphins swam closer, their curious eyes studying us as if assessing our intentions. I reached out a tentative hand, my fingers brushing against the dolphin's smooth skin. A surge of emotion welled up inside me, a mix of joy and gratitude for being able to experience such a moment of pure connection with these incredible creatures. 

Keefe's laughter rang out beside me, his joy infectious as he interacted with the dolphins, his carefree spirit lifting my own. 

"This is amazing, Foster! Can you believe we get to do this?" he exclaimed; his eyes lit up with childlike wonder. I laughed in response, the sound echoing in the water as I let myself be swept away by the magic of the moment. For once, my disease felt like a distant memory, overshadowed by the sheer beauty of the world around me. Grady and Edaline watched from the sidelines, their expressions a blend of pride and love. 

"You two look like you belong in the water with those dolphins," Edaline remarked, her voice warm with affection. Grady nodded in agreement, a smile playing on his lips. Well kind of smile, looked a little strained.  

 "You both have a special connection with nature. It's a gift to witness." As the day drew to a close, and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the water, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment settle within me. Today had been a day of magic and joy, a reminder that even in the midst of uncertainty, there was still beauty to be found in the world. 

As we bid farewell to the dolphins and made our way back home, I felt a renewed sense of hope blooming in my heart. Keefe walked beside me, his presence a comforting presence by my side. "Thanks for today, Foster. It was unforgettable," he said, his voice soft with sincerity. I smiled up at him, feeling grateful for his friendship and the memories we had shared. "Thank you, Keefe. Today was a reminder that there is still so much beauty in the world, even in the midst of challenges," I replied, my voice filled with conviction.

 As we walked away, the echoes of laughter and joy lingering in the air, I knew that no matter what lay ahead, I would hold onto this day as a beacon of hope and light during the darkest of times. Today, surrounded by dolphins and dear friends, I had found a moment of peace amidst the storm, and for that, I would be forever grateful.


I stepped into Biana's brightly decorated living room, the sound of laughter and chatter immediately filled the air. The room was adorned with colorful throw pillows and cozy blankets, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Biana, Marella, and Linh were already gathered around the dining table, glasses of sparkling pink lemonade in hand, their faces glowing with excitement. 

"Hey Sophie, you made it!" Biana exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back in perfect waves, and her teal blue eyes sparkled with mischief. "I wouldn't miss our girl time for anything," I replied, smiling as I took a seat next to Marella, whose wavy blonde hair framed her face beautifully. Linh, with her soft features and serene demeanor, greeted me with a gentle smile. "It's so good to see you, Sophie. I've been looking forward to this all week." I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me as I looked around at my friends. 

They are all amazing girls and felt like they've each become like a sister to me. But as amazing as they are, I can't get myself to tell them what's been going on with me. The afternoon stretched on; we dove into a whirlwind of activities. From me refusing a makeover, to playing some fun card games. Biana and Marella trying out new hairstyles with Biana's huge collection of hair accessories.  

The room echoed with laughter and playful banter, creating a symphony of girlish camaraderie. "So, Sophie, spill the tea. Did you hear about what happened in class yesterday?" Marella asked, leaning in eagerly, her blue eyes glinting with curiosity. I launched into the story, recounting the hilarious mishap that had occurred in our science lab, causing our classmates to burst into fits of giggles. 

Biana doubled over with laughter, her melodious voice filling the room with joy. "Wait, that reminds me of the time we tried to sneak out of detention and got caught by Mr. Forkle," Linh interjected, her eyes dancing with mischief. We shared stories and secrets, baring our souls to each other in a space free of judgment or pretense.

Biana listened attentively, her face showing a mix of amusement and mischief. "That's so typical of Sophie," she said with a knowing nod. "You really know how to shake things up." Her words made me feel a warm glow in my chest. Marella burst into laughter, "Oh my gosh! Sophie, you're so funny! I can't believe you did that." She wiped a tear from her eye.

I looked at Biana, unsure of her reaction. She had a comforting presence that made me want to confide in her, but I was also anxious about how she would respond. "It wasn't my fault, I was just trying to help them," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. 

A mischievous grin appears on Biana's face. "So, Sophie," Biana teased, changing the subject and nudging me with her elbow, "any news about a certain someone?" I felt my cheeks flush as I avoided her gaze, knowing exactly who she was referring to. Keefe. We had been spending a lot of time together recently ever since he found out about my secret. 

"Come on, Sophie spill the tea! We all know there's something going on between you and Keefe." I let out a nervous giggle at Marella's words, trying to play it cool. "You guys are imagining things. Keefe and I are just friends nothing more." Linh watched the exchange with a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, if there is something going on, Sophie, you know we'll support you no matter what." I felt a lump form in my throat, the weight of my secret pressing down on me. 

How could I tell them the truth when I couldn't even come to terms with it myself? The fact that I was afraid, not just of my abilities but of the consequences they could bring, especially when it came to matters of the heart. Biana couldn't resist taking another jab at me. "Seriously, Sophie, just admit it. You have a thing for Keefe." I forced a laugh, trying to brush off her words. "You guys are reading too much into things. Keefe is just a friend, that's all. I'm only going to hurt him anyway." I say a little sad. 

"How could you hurt him?" Biana asked, looking confused. "You know what, let's stop talking about this," I said, not wanting to discuss the situation further. The girls nodded reluctantly, and we continued with our afternoon. 


"Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading. Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones."

Keep Being Cool


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