-The Burden of 6 Months-

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Sophie's POV: 

Waking up to the gentle light filtering through my curtains, the weight of my diseased pressed down on me. I felt the familiar fatigue settling into my bones, a constant reminder of my fragile existence. Despite the weariness, I forced myself out of bed and went through the motions of getting ready for school. Foxfire Academy awaited, a place of both solace and challenge. As I dressed in my uniform, I made note that I have another appointment after school today and I'm feeling nervous about how it will go. I'll probably ask Keefe if he can come with me again. I feel more comfortable with him by my side. 

Having a quick breakfast, I headed out the door and headed down to school. Arriving at Foxfire, I made my way to my locker, grabbing the necessary books for the day ahead. 

 Homeroom class beckoned, and I settled into my seat, the hum of chatter and anticipation filling the air. Made me wish I had the same homeroom as my friends, but I unfortunately do not. School came as welcome distraction, a respite from the thoughts that plagued my mind since I found out how much time I have left remaining. 

Lunchtime arrived, and as I headed to my locker, I was met by Keefe, my best friend. "Hey Foster," he greeted me with a smile. "Hi Keefe," I replied wearily. His grin and mischievous eyes always brought a smile to my face. "I have a little something for you," he said, handing me a gift. I felt a spark of excitement. "It's not extravagant," he added, "but I hope it brightens your day."

I took the box from him, feeling his fingers brush against mine. Inside was a small heart-shaped pendant with the first letter of my name and the first letter of his name intricately carved on it. It was beautiful, and for a moment, I forgot about the weight of my disease. "It's perfect," I whispered, barely audible over the sound of my racing heart.

Keefe smiled, "I'm happy you appreciate it." He quickly checked if anyone was nearby, then leaned in and whispered, "I wanted it to show you that you have support. You're not alone in this, okay?" Our eyes locked, and his words resonated deeply within me.

"Thanks, Keefe," I whispered back, my voice barely audible. "It means a lot." Together we headed down to the cafeteria to join our friends at our table. Biana and Tam, Dex and Marella, and Linh. Fitz was probably off somewhere else.

As we sat down, Keefe placed the pendant around my neck, ensuring it was secure. "There," he said with a grin. "Now you'll always have a little bit of me with you." In that moment, a spark of hope ignited within me. Perhaps there was still a glimmer of possibility for happiness amidst the darkness. The familiar banter and laughter acted as a soothing balm, temporarily easing the weight of my secret. 

Biana playfully brought up the ongoing speculation about Keefe and me getting together her playful eyes dancing with mischief. "When are you two going to admit you're head over heels for each other?" she teased, earning an eye roll from both Keefe and me. Our friends laughed and the conversation shifted to lighter topics, the usual banter and jokes filling the air. None of them knew about my disease except Keefe. I had confided in him, trusting him with my darkest secret. I couldn't bear the pity or the worry in their eyes if they found out. So, I kept up the façade of a normal teenager, laughing and chatting with my friends, hiding the ticking clock that hung over my head.

I also didn't want my friends knowing about my struggle right now it sent a shiver down my spine. Keefe was the only one who knew after finding out on accident, and I intended to keep it that way. 

After school, as I made my way home, the looming reality of my mortality resurfaced. I couldn't afford to fall in love with Keefe, couldn't allow myself to indulge in the possibility of a future that may never come to be. The pain of leaving him behind was a burden I wasn't willing to bear. But fate had a way of twisting the threads of our lives, weaving a tapestry of moments that were both beautiful and heart-wrenching. 

After school, as I made my way home, the weight of my secret pressed down on me with renewed force. I thought about Keefe, his laughter echoing in my mind, his friendship a lifeline I clung to desperately. But as much as I cherished our bond, I knew that I couldn't allow myself to fall in love with him. The truth was harsh and unyielding: my time was limited, a countdown that measured my days in precious moments slipping away.

To let myself love Keefe would be to invite heartache and pain, to burden him with a grief that would overshadow any joy we could share. I couldn't bear the thought of causing him more pain than necessary, couldn't allow myself to be the source of his tears, not when he deserved so much more. So, I pushed away the longing in my heart, the desire that whispered of what could have been. I focused on the present, on the moments we shared, the laughter we exchanged, the friendship that sustained us both. 

When I reached home, I collapsed on my bed, staring up at the ceiling as my thoughts consumed me. It was then that I made a decision, a small glimmer of hope in the darkness that enveloped me. I texted Keefe, asking him to come to my next appointment later that afternoon. His quick acceptance gave me a brief moment of relief, a flicker of a connection that I desperately clung to.

Keefe's POV: 

I arrived home from school, my mind buzzing with thoughts of the day's lessons and oh wait I ditched most of the lessons today. But as soon as I stepped through the door, my phone buzzed with a message from Sophie. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her name on the screen. She asked me if I could come to her appointment later that afternoon, and without hesitation, I replied that I would be there. 

As I tossed my backpack on the floor, I couldn't shake off the worry that had settled in the pit of my stomach. Sophie had been battling a life-threatening disease for who knows how long, I don't know that as I only recently found out that she had it. The doctors had recently informed her that she only had six months left. Six months. The harsh reality of those words haunted me as I paced back and forth in my room. I sat on the edge of my bed, running my fingers through my hair as I tried to calm my racing thoughts. 

The feelings I had developed for Sophie went beyond friendship. There was something about her, something undeniable, that drew me to her in a way I couldn't explain. I cared for her deeply, and the mere thought of losing her sent a chill down my spine. I glanced at the clock, realizing it was time to head to Sophie's appointment. 

The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity, my mind consumed with a whirlwind of emotions. When I finally reached the waiting room, I saw Sophie sitting alone, her eyes fixed on the floor. "Hey, Keefe," she said, forcing a smile as I approached her. "Thanks for coming." I took a seat beside her, the weight of the situation heavy in the air between us. "Of course, Sophie. I'm always here for you." She sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I wish things were different, Keefe. I wish I had more time." I wrapped my arm around her, trying to find the right words to comfort her. 

"We'll make the most of the time we have, okay? We'll create memories that will last a lifetime." Sophie lifted her head, her eyes meeting mine. "Promise me something, Keefe. Promise me that you'll never forget me." I felt a lump form in my throat, the intensity of her words hitting me like a ton of bricks. "I could never forget you, Foster. You're a part of me now, and you always will be." As we sat there in that moment, the world seemed to fade away around us. The beeping of machines and the hushed whispers of other patients melted into the background, leaving only Sophie and me in our own little bubble of existence. 


"I pull you in to feel your heartbeat. Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me."

Keep Being Cool


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