-You'll Always Be My Sunshine-

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Keefe's POV: 

I hit my alarm, I blinked groggily, the remnants of my dreams clinging to the corners of my mind like cobwebs. Stretching my limbs, I relished the peacefulness of the early morning. It was a time when the world seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the sun to burst forth from its slumber. This morning, I was going to take Foster to see the sunrise. With Edaline's help she helped me plan it, so we could have a delicious breakfast after. 

Sliding out of bed, I padded across the room to the bathroom. The cold tiles beneath my feet sent a shiver up my spine, but I welcomed the sensation. It was a stark contrast of the warmth of my bed, a reminder that I was alive and awake in this moment. I stood before the mirror; I took in my reflection. My hair was in a crazy disarray, but it wasn't as bad as Sophie's birds' nest, she gets most mornings.  

I ran my fingers through it trying to tame the unruly strands into submission. I smirked at my own reflection, knowing how good looking I am.  It was time to get to work. I started to work on my hair putting it into its perfectly artfully disheveled style. 

Quickly getting dressed in warm layers, the anticipation building with each passing moment. The sky was just barely beginning to lighten as I made my way to my car, the cool metal of the keys in my hand promising adventure and magic. I drove to Foster's, my heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement. I parked in front of her house, I took a deep breath and got out of the car, I made my way to her front door, the crunch of leaves beneath my feet the only sound in the stillness of the morning. 

Using the key Edaline let me borrow, I walked in. Edaline greeted me in the living room. Walking up to Sophie's room, I enter in quietly. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, she begins to stir and her eyes open revealing her beautiful brown eyes. 

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," I whispered, filling with excitement. Sophie in a state of half-awake confusion. Her hair was tousled, her eyes bleary with sleep. But as she looked at me, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, I knew that she trusted me completely.

"Keefe, what are you doing here so early?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. I couldn't help but grin at her. "Get dressed, Foster, we're going on an adventure." Her eyes widened in suprised and slight annoyance to have her sleep interrupted so early, but she didn't question me. Instead, she got up and stretched her limbs, I headed downstairs and waited for her to get ready. While I was waiting, I had a sense of anticipation that bordered on giddiness.

Minutes later, Sophie emerged from her room, dressed warmly with a backpack slung over her shoulder. Her eyes danced with excitement, and I knew that she was ready for whatever lay ahead. She grabs a few things from Edaline, then I lead her out to the car, opening the door for her with a flourish that made her laugh, such a wonderful sound. We buckled our seatbelts, and I began driving. 

Sophie's eyes widened in wonder, and I felt a thrill of satisfaction at the sight. "Where are we going, Keefe?" she asked, her voice filled with awe. "To the mountains," I replied, a smiled tugging at my lips. "We're going to watch the sunrise from the top of a peak." Her eyes widened in surprise, and excitement knowing that was something on her bucket list. I felt a sense of happiness in knowing that I was fulfilling yet another item on her list with her. 

She settled back into her seat, a look of wonder on her face. The world around us was starting to wake up, the sky slightly alight with early hues of gold and pink, the air filled with the promise of a new day. 

The road wound its way up the mountain, the air growing crisper, the scent of pine trees growing stronger. I could feel the thrill of the unknown coursing through me, the sense of adventure that always seemed to follow Sophie wherever she went. Finally, we reached the summit, a panoramic view stretching out before us, the valley below shrouded in a blanket of mist. The first rays of sunlight painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

"It's beautiful," Sophie breathed, her voice, barely above a whisper. I nodded in agreement, my gazed fixed on the spectacle before us. "There's still beauty all around us Foster. Even in the mist of turmoil. Sometimes, we just need to pause and remember it's there and appreciate it." Sophie turned to me, her brown eyes shimmering with a mixture of gratitude and wonder. "Thank you, Keefe. This...means more to me than you can imagine." I smiled, brushing a stray hair from her face. "Anything for you, Foster. You deserve all the happiness in the world." I said, my voice filled with sincerity. 

Sitting here with her, the girl that holds my heart. The beautiful sun lit up the world with many beautiful vibrant colors, the start of a new day. 

Looking towards the sun, I told a silent promise from my heart. Foster is my sunshine, my only sunshine. She makes me happy when the skies are gray, she'll never know how much I love her. Please, please, don't take my sunshine away. I didn't know what the future held, it was full of unknown and that was terrifying, I wasn't sure what Sophie's condition held in store, but I knew we had to take it one step at a time and hope for some miracle. 

I reached out and squeezed her hand, a silent gesture of support and understanding. Together, we watched as the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its golden light over the world below. As the last of the darkness retreated, we made our way back down the mountain, the memory of the sunrise etched in our hearts. The start of a new day stretched before us, filled with endless possibilities and unspoken promises. 

The journey back down is filled with laughter and easy conversation, the weight of the world momentarily lifted from our shoulders. When we finally reach my car, I offer to drive Sophie home. The silence between us is comfortable now, a sense of camaraderie settling over us like a warm blanket. 

As we near her house, I ask about her next doctor's appointment, a reminder of the difficult path she's walking. 

Sophie's smile is filled with gratitude as she turns to me. "It's in a week, Keefe. Will you be there?" I meet her gaze, determination shining in my eyes. "Of course, Foster. I'll be there every step of the way." Her hand finds mine, fingers lacing together in a silent promise. In that moment, I know that no matter what lies ahead, we'll face it together. I watch her walk towards her front door; a sense of peace settles over me. Sophie may be the one fighting the battle, but I'll be right there beside her, a silent guardian in the shadows. 

As I drive away, the sun high in the sky now, I can't help but feel grateful for this moment, this connection forged between us. Sophie may be the one with the strength to face whatever comes her way, but I'll be the one standing beside her, ready to catch her if she falls.

Oh world, please don't take my sunshine away. 


I'm excited and nervous for what is to come. 

"They took you away on a table. I pace back and forth as you lay still."

Keep Being Cool


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