-Scared of Losing You-

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Keefe's POV:

Darkness descended around me, enveloping me in its cold embrace. The shadows danced ominously, whispering secrets that made my heart race in fear. I found myself standing in a dimly lit room, the air heavy with an indescribable heaviness that weighed me down. And then, she appeared before me--Foster the girl who held my heart in her delicate hands. 

Her brown eyes, usually pools of warmth and kindness, now held a haunting glint of despair. She stood there, her silhouette etched against the darkness, a frail figure in the periphery of my nightmare. I could feel the tendrils of fear creeping up my spine as she turned to face me, her lips trembling with unspoken words. 

"Keefe." her voice was but a whisper, yet it echoed through the hollow chambers of my mind. "I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of fighting, tired of searching for a miracle that may never come." My heart shattered into a million pieces at her words. The thought of losing her, of letting her slip away from me, was unbearable. "No, Sophie, please," I begged, my voice choked with emotion. "You can't give up. I need you; I love you." 

Tears streaked down her pale cheeks, a silent testament to the agony she carried within her. "I don't want to burden you anymore, Keefe, you can't love me." she whispered, her words like a knife through my soul. "I can't keep living like this, trapped in a cycle of pain and uncertainty. You were never supposed to find out about my secret." 

I stepped closer to her, my hands shaking with the intensity of my emotions. "You're not a burden, Sophie. You're my everything. It's too late now you hold my heart I refuse to let anyone else have it." I declared; my voice raw with emotion. "We'll find a way; we'll fight through this together. I won't let you go, I can't"

Then suddenly we are in a cold sterlie hospital room, Sophie was lying on a hospital bed, her once vibrant eyes now dull with pain. I could see the exhaustion etched on her beautiful face, and my heart clenched with fear. She looked at me with a mixture of resignation and sorrow, her voice barely a whisper as she said, "I can't do this anymore, Keefe. I can't keep fighting. It's too much."

I felt a surge of panic course through me, my hands trembling as I reached out to her. "No, Sophie, please," I begged, my voice cracking with emotion. "You can't give up. You have to keep fighting. I need you. I love you." 

But she shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Keefe. I just... I can't." And then, in the dream, I watched helplessly as she slipped away from me. Her hand went limp in mine, her eyes closing for the last time. The sound of the heart monitor flatlining echoed in the room, a haunting reminder of my failure to save her. 

Never again would I see her smile, her golden flecks in her brown eyes, hear her sweet laughter or her beautiful voice. Never again I would hold her in my arms. 


I woke up gasping for air, my chest tight with despair. The image of Sophie lying lifeless haunted me, and I knew deep down that I couldn't bear to lose her in reality. She was my everything, my reason for living, and the mere thought of a world without her was unbearable. I got up from bed, my legs shaky as I made my way to the window. The first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, a stark contrast to the darkness that still lingered in my heart. I whispered her name, a prayer on my lips, hoping and wishing for her to be safe and sound.

Every creak of the floorboards seemed to echo the uncertainty that gnawed at my insides. I went through the motions of getting ready for school, but my mind remained a turbulent sea of worry. As I stepped outside, the crisp morning air greeted me, offering a temporary respite from the suffocating fear that threatened to drown me. The sun cast long shadows across the familiar streets of our neighborhood, but today they seemed twisted and distorted, mirroring the turmoil within me. 

As I walked towards my car, I spot Dex walking towards the bus stop. He spotted me and his easy smile reassuring presence offered a glimmer of light in the darkness that surrounded me.

"Hey Keefe, you look like you've seen a ghost. Everything okay?" Dex asked, concern etched in his eyes. I forced a smile, trying to mask the tremor in my voice. "Yeah, just a rough night. You know how it is. 

Dex nodded; his expression full of understanding. "Rough night with your parents again?" He asks knowingly. "I guess you could say that." I said that, even though it was far from the truth. My parents are hardly a problem at the moment. I couldn't care less about them; it's Foster that I'm more worried about right now. Dex nods and we bid each other farewell knowing we would see each other at school in a little bit. 

Arriving at the school I parked my car and walked towards the school grounds. Stepping into the bustling hallways of the Foxfire, the dull roar of students faded into the background, my focus honed on a single figure amidst the sea of faces. There she was, talking animatedly with Biana, her laughter like a beacon of light in the dimness. Relief flooded through me, warming the icy grip of fear that had held me in its thrall. 

I approached them, my steps light yet hesitant, unsure of how to breach the bubble of conversation that surrounded Sophie. As I drew near, her eyes met mine, sparkling with warmth and affection. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, banishing the shadows that clung to me like a second skin. 

"Foster," I said, my voice barely a whisper in the cacophony of the hallway. "I was so worried about you. Are you okay?" Her brow furrowed in confusion, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. "Of course, Kefe, why wouldn't I be?" I hesitated, unsure of how to voice the tangle of emotions that churned within me. "It's nothing," I mumbled, brushing off her concern with a shrug. "Just a bad dream. " Biana shot me a knowing glance, her gaze sharp yet sympathetic. "Nightmare can be rough, Keefe. You should talk to someone about it." I nodded, grateful for her understanding, yet unwilling to delve into the depths of my fears. 

 The specter of loss still loomed large in my mind, its shadow stretching into every corner of my consciousness. The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes and conversations, the mundanity of school life a welcome distraction from the weight on my shoulders. Yet, as the final bell rang and the students spilled out into the fading light of the afternoon, I found myself drawn back to Sophie like a moth to a flame. I caught up to her as she made her way to the stables, her steps light and purposeful. 

"Hey, Sophie," I called out, quickening my pace to match hers. "Can we talk for a minute?" She turned to me, her expression open and questioning. "Sure, Keefe. What's on your mind?" I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts like scattered puzzle pieces. "I had a nightmare last night," I began, my voice wavering yet determined. "It was about you, and... and losing you." Her eyes widened in surprise, the light of understanding dawning in their depths. 

"Oh, Keefe," she murmured, her voice soft yet resolute. "I'm not going anywhere. You have to believe that." I searched her gaze for reassurance, for the certainty that her words promised. Yet, doubt still whispered in the corners of my mind, a nagging voice that refused to be silenced." I know, Sophie," I replied, the weight of my fears heavy on my tongue. "But... but what if something happens? What if..." She reached out, her hand warm against mine, a gentle anchor in the storm raging within me. "We can't live in fear of the unknown, Keefe. We have to cherish the moments we have, here and now." 

Her words struck a chord deep within me, resonating with a truth that I had long ignored. I saw her for the bright, vibrant soul she was, a beacon of strength and resilience in the face of uncertainty. I felt a sense of peace settle over me, a quiet assurance that no nightmare could shatter. Sophie was here, by my side, her presence a balm to my fractured heart.


"They pull you in to feel your heartbeat."

Keep Being Cool


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