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Hey Guys, I'm new to Fanfiction as an author but have been reading stories on this site for a while. I hope you won't be too harsh with me but I will accept criticism if there is anything you think I need improving on I beg you to tell me.

Please don't send flames and reviews saying you don't think this person should be with this person and stuff like that. If you don't like the story you don't have to read it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Thebes 2,134 BC

Thebes, The City of the living and the crown jewel of Seti the first, Home to Imhotep, Pharoahs High Priest, Keeper of the Dead, and his Wife, Tia , Seti's eldest daughter, Birthplace of Anck-su-namon, the Pharaohs Mistress. No other man was allowed to touch her.

Anck-su-namun walked into her chambers and immediately spotted her lovers priests, once she reached him Imhotep pulled Anck-su-namun into a kiss, both knew if they were ever caught they would be executed but he loved Anck-su-namon more than what he could ever love his wife.

What neither knew was that across the palace hall, Tia and her little sister Nefertiri were watching, Tia's heart slowly breaking.

Imhoteps priests go to shut the door and they almost do, when suddenly they are banged open again this time by the Pharaoh himself.

"What are you doing here"? Seti asks, confused.

Imhotep and Anck-su-namun quickly break apart as they hear the Pharaoh enter.

Tia and Nefertiri watch as their father enters Anck-su-namon's room, in horror. Tia desperately looks around when she spots Perseus, Tia's best friend since she was a child and the rest of the Medjai standing below.

"Perseus, my father, he need your help". Tia shouts as she points to the room across the hall. Perseus and the Medjai rush to Anck-su-namun's room.

Meanwhile Seti enters his Mistress's Private room where he sees her leaning up against her cat statue, he smiles at her slightly until he notices her smeared body paint.

"Who has touched you"? Pharaoh demanded as he pointed to her arm. Anck-su-namun looks up in horror as Imhotep steals Seti's sword from his side. Seti turns around in surprise which quickly turns to shock when he sees who has betrayed him.

"Imhotep" Seti says stunned.

Tia and Nefertiri watch in horror as Imhotep pierces their father through the heart with his own sword.

"NOOO"! Both girls scream, Nefertiri leans too far forward and falls off the balcony. Tia reaches for her sister but is too late and watches in shocked silence as she loses everyone she loves at once.

Imhotep and Anck-su-namun look up when they hear the Medjai enter.

"Pharoahs bodyguards". Imhotep says as he looks towards the sound. He starts to stand ready to fight when Anck-su-namun stops him.

"You must go. Save yourself. Only you can resurrect me". Anck-su-namon demands as Imhotep refuses his priests come up to him and start to pull him away from his lover.

"You shall live again, I will resurrect you". Imhotep promises as he is finally pulled from her sight. Anck-su-namun turns as the Medjai enter.

"My Body is no longer his temple". Anck-su-namon cries as she raises the dagger and plunges it into her heart.

Imhotep watches as she kills herself and as he is once again pulled away by his priests he catches sight of his wife glaring at him from across the hall. Horror washes over his face and he holds her gaze until he is pulled from sight.

To resurrect Anck-su-namun, Imhotep and his priests broke into her crypt and stole her body; they raced deep into the desert to Hamunaptra, city of the dead, ancient burial site for the sons of the Pharaohs and resting place for the wealth of Egypt. For his love, Imhotep dared the Gods anger by going deep into the city where he took the black book of the dead from it holy resting place.

Imhotep started the ritual to bring his love back from the dead but still he was haunted of the old eyes that had watched him earlier. Tia knew him better than nearly anyone and he was confused as to why she was not here trying to stop him.

Anck-su-namuns soul had been sent to the dark underworld, her vital organs removed and placed in 5 sacred canopic jars.

Imhotep continued the ritual until a black figure started to ascend from the pool before him. The black figure raised itself up and lay itself over the body of Anck-su-namun who immediately started to shake and look at Imhotep with wide horrified eyes.

Anck-su-namuns soul had come back from the dead but the Pharaohs bodyguards had followed Imhotep on Tia's (who was now Queen) orders and they had stopped him before the ritual could be completed.

As Imhotep was about to finish the Ritual the Medjai arrived and stopped him. Tia had known exactly what he would do and had told Perseus where her husband would be .Imhotep look down at the body of his love as the black figure disappeared back into the pool and Anck-su-namun was still once more.

Imhotep was brought to the throne room in the palace, where his wife now sat as Queen of Egypt.

"High Priest Imhotep you are accused of having relations with the former mistress and criminal Anck-su-namun, you on this night have also tried to bring her back from the afterlife, do you deny this"? Tia asked as she looked down at her husband trying to hide how broken she felt inside.

"No". Imhotep said regretfully. Despite what his wife now believed he did love her but his love for Anck-su-namun superseded his love for his wife.

"You have also been accused of the murder of the late Pharaoh, Seti the First and inadvertently the death of the princesses Nefertiri, do you deny these accusations". Tia said as she barely held back tears.

Beside her hidden behind a column Perseus sent her an encouraging smile; Tia turned her attention back to Imhotep as he stared at her in shock.

"Nefertiri, she's dead"? Imhotep asked as he looked at his wife. He had not only had relations with Anck-su-namun but had also killed the Pharaoh and Princess Nefertiri; he would most certainly suffer a fate worse than death for this.

"Answer me "Tia snapped angrily

"No". Imhotep said tearfully as he looked at his wife.

"Former High Priest Imhotep for the crimes you have committed against the crown you shall suffer the worst of all curses, the Hom- Dai, may Allah never let you be free from your eternal cage". Imhotep stared at his wife with scared eyes; he was only just realizing how much he had hurt his loving wife.

"Your Priests shall receive a less harsh punishment but still horrific they shall be mummified alive for helping you betray the throne". Tia said as she turned away from her husband and his priest as the Medjai dragged him off.

Finally letting the tears fall that she had wanted to release the moment Imhotep placed his lips upon Anck-su-namuns. Perseus walked over to her quietly and wrapped her up in his arms, letting her cry on his shoulder and never saying a word

The Medjai would never allow him to be released for he would arise a walking disease, a plague for all mankind, an unholy flesh eater with the strength of ages, power over the sands and the glory of invincibility.

For 300 years men and armies have fought over this land, never knowing what evil lay beneath it.

AN: Hope you enjoyed this chapter I wasn't sure how I should write this part as I wanted to show this scene from both Imhotep and Tia's POV, I promise the next chapter will be better. I found that Nefertiti's death was both Imhotep and Anck-su-namun's fault as if they hadn't killed the pharaoh she wouldn't have walked forward and have fallen off the balcony. So that's why I had Tia condemn Imhotep for her sister's death as well

Next Chapter: Katharine has to deal with her adoptive sibling's clumsiness and Immaturity.

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