Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I own nothing

Giza Port – Cairo

Katharine, Jonathan and Evy were at the Port and Katharine was currently getting a lecture from her sister.

Katharine was once again wearing pants.

Jonathan and Katharine swapped looks over their sister's head. Eves had yet to go on a dig or an adventure (as Jonathan called them) and would soon find out you really couldn't run away from danger in a skirt. Katharine's knife was hidden in her boot and her gun was on her belt holster in plain view, which most certainly got her a few odd looks especially one man with a funny red hat and cigar.

Evy huffed when she realized she was being ignored by her siblings. It wasn't that she minded what her sister wore but she hated it when people looked down on Katharine as if she were beneath them.

"Do you really think he's going to show up"? Evy asked, changing the subject. Katharine really couldn't answer as she was no longer sure. 12 years ago she would have told you Rick would never call a lady a broad.

"Yes, undoubtedly, knowing my luck. He may be a cowboy, but I know the breed. His word is his word". Jonathan said as he waved to a few people as we walked down the port.

"Well, personally, I think he's filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit". Evy said sounding disgusted. Katharine frowned a little as she turned to her sister.

"Ok I agree with you on the rude part, he never used to be like that. But filthy, let's see you spend time in prison and see if you come out looking as pretty as a picture". Katharine said as she looked at her siblings. Katharine saw Evy and Jonathan smirk at each other before turning to look at her.

"You're only saying that because you still have a crush on him". Jonathan teased his younger sister. She had never told them so in direct words but it wasn't exactly a hard conclusion to jump to either. Katharine started to stammer out an answer when all three were startled out of their conversation.

"Anyone I know"?

All three turned to the now shaven and clean Rick O'Connell. Katharine let a small smile flitter across her face as he looked more like her childhood friend now while Evy and Jonathan gaped at the man in shock.

"Hello Rick". Katharine said smiling at him and at her sibling's silence.

"Hey Kitty". Rick replied which immediately made Katharine frown. She used to like that name, when she was a child but she was an adult now she preferred her whole name or Kat.

"Smashing day for the start of an adventure, Hey O'Connell". Jonathan interrupted. As much as he liked to tease his sister he really didn't like the looks that were be traded between her and the cowboy.

"Yeah, yeah, smashing". Rick said as he checked his inside pocket which made Katharine smile. At least he'd learned his lesson early on to never trust her brother.

"Oh, no, no, I'd never steal from a partner, partner". Jonathan said as he smiled until Katharine turned to look at him confused.

"You steal from me all the time and I'm your sister". Jonathan turned to look at Katharine with his hands held up in mock surrender. Rick smiled as he watched the 2 of them banter, he was glad that Kat had been able to find a family that loved her after he had left.

"That reminds me, no hard feelings about the ..." Rick trailed off as he mimed punching Jonathan in the face.

"Oh, no, no happens all the time". Jonathan said waving it off. Behind him Katharine was nodding with her lips pursed after all it was usually her doing the punching.

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