Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except for OC's

Evy was pleasantly surprised, she was the one currently in charge along with Katharine as they were the one's who knew the most about the city. The reason she was pleasantly surprised...

Everyone was doing as they were told.

Evy had been sure when Katharine had won the race there would have been some kind of brawl that would have led to more than a few injuries but instead everyone had set up camp and claimed their territory. O'Connell had gone over to the Americans to collect his winnings and had come straight back, although she was suspicious as to the reason why he was suddenly being a good boy and it had everything to do with Katharine.

Katharine and Evy were currently wiping the ancient mirrors of all the dirt, mud, blood (much to Evy's horror) and rust as best as they possibly could. Katharine stopped for a moment wiping her brow as she looked around. Jonathan was standing idly by as he watched everyone else do the work as pure usual while Rick was tying the rope to the post and (much to Katharine's amusement) trying to hit the warden with the rope as he swung it round.

"That's the statue of Anubis. Its legs go deep underground. According to Bembridge Scholars..." Katharine drowned out her sister's excited prattle as soon as she mentioned Bembridge Scholars. Honestly how stupid could they be to deny her sister repeatedly?

Katharine had been concentrating on her mirror so hard that when Rick came up behind her and started to talk, he nearly made her jump.

"So ... uh what are these old mirrors for"? Rick asked as he finished tying the rope. He sounded a bit nervous to Katharine but she assumed it had something to do with being back at the place where he was nearly killed.

"Call them ancient mirrors unless you want your head bitten off by my sister. Anyway it's an ancient Egyptian trick, you'll see". Katharine replied with a little smirk on her face.

Katharine noticed Rick shuffling in front of her and looked up at him again as he pulled a small package out from behind his back.

"Here this is for you. Go ahead. It's something I borrowed off of American brethren. I thought you might like it, might need it, being an archaeologist and all". Rick amended quickly from his awkward explanation he walked away from Katharine as she started to open it.

Inside were a bunch of tools that she would need during this little expedition. Katharine quickly wrapped the tools back up in the cloth before looking to where Rick had walked away.


Rick turned to look at Katharine after she called out to him to see her smiling at him before mouthing a small "thank you". Rick nodded back as he jumped down the hole.

"Hey look for bugs. I hate Bugs".


"Do you realise that we're standing in a room that no one has entered in over 3000 years".

Katharine looked around the darkened room while her sister whispered in absolute awe.

"Yeah but Eve's, it would be better if we could see something". Katharine says as she looks at her little sister. Evy jumped as if she'd just remembered the mirrors and went searching for the next mirror. Jonathan and the Warden were on their way down the rope when Jonathan spoke.

"What is that god awful stench"?

Katharine gave a cough and a pointed look at the Warden which prompted Jonathan to discreetly sniff the man.


Katharine gave a little chuckle as she whirled around to find her sister, finding her near the mirror dusting it off.

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