Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except OC's

Katharine, Evy and Beni were following Imhotep into the ritual chamber. It was further and deeper underground then the three of them had ever gone before.

Katharine stopped at the top of the stairs looking around the dark yet majestic room in awe while Evy looked around terrified.

"Keep moving". Beni growled as he nudged Katharine in the back only for her to turn around and receive a right hook. Beni held his bleeding nose as he turned back around to see Katharine stomping down the stair with as defiant look on her face. No one noticed Imhotep smirking slightly as he watched his wife stomp down the stairs.

"You know nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance. Evy said as she looked at the pushy little man who only scoffed at her before turning to her in fear.

"They do"? Beni asked worriedly.

"Yes. Always"! Evy said as she walked down the steps following Katharine. Beni watched her go when a noise sounded from behind him making him jump in fright and run down the stairs.


Katharine was glaring at Imhotep as she watched him open up the jars and pour out the ashes when a gunshot echoed throughout the chamber. Everyone's heads shot up in surprise as a soft smile grew on Katharine's face.

"Rick". Evy heard her sister breathe in relief. Imhotep also heard his wife from behind him and a scowl immediately took over his features. Katharine watched Imhotep pour ashes out of one jar before he blew it towards the wall.

Katharine. Evy and Beni watched in disbelief as a supernatural groan sound around the chamber after Imhotep finished chanting the sacred words. Moments later the human carvings started to break away from the walls and walk towards Imhotep making the three of them back up very quickly.

"Bembridge scholars never wrote about this". Evy said as she watched with wide eyes.

"Will you stop mentioning those idiots"! Katharine growled, annoyed. Beni quickly grabbed onto Katharine's arm as they continued to back away.

"Let go of me". Katharine whisper shouted as she hit Beni across the face. Unfortunately she was distracted so when she turned back to the scene in front of her all she saw were the Mummies ( who she assumed were Imhoteps priests with how he was able to command them) walking away in the direction of the gunshot.

Katharine looked at Imhotep about to give him a piece of her mind when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and everything went black.


Tia was standing in her room watching as Nefertiri danced around in the new cloth that the maids had bought from the market that day. She was laughing at her sisters antics when her husband came into the room.

"My beloved". Imhotep greeted as he kissed her cheek.

"My dear". Tia said as she smiled up at him.

"I am afraid to inform you that I have business that I must deal with tonight and will not be able to join you until later". Imhotep said as he looked at his wife. Of course it wasn't actually business he was going to see Anck-sun-namun .

Many would not believe him if they found out but he honestly did love his wife. He still remembered the first day he had seen her. He had been meeting with the Pharaoh when a little girl ran up to him dripping from head to to.

"Papa, Papa. Tia's going to catch me". The little girl said excitedly as she sat on her father's lap.

"Is she now my sweet"? The Pharaoh chuckled. No sooner were the words out of her mouth when a young woman ran into the room, also dripping wet and had an amused and frustrated expression on her face.

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