A fizzy start

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Pepsi wasn't going to eat anything, he forgot his lunch at home and there was no way he was gonna eat the school lunch. He was just gonna have to wait until lunch was over, without his phone since that was taken away. Pepsi let out a sigh, he was gonna take a nap. But before he could put his head down he heard a voice and a tray hitting the table.

"Damn you didn't get a lunch, I know it tastes like shit but you're probably gonna be fucking miserable for the rest of the day."

Pepsi looked up to see a red headed boy staring at him with a smile. Pepsi doesn't say anything and after a couple seconds the boy takes a seat and speaks again. "What? I get that you're new but you don't have to be a fucking emo about it."

Pepsi rolls his eyes. "I'm not emo and what do you want?"

The guy shrugs. "Just a conversation, my other friends have some stupid ass club they have to go to so might as well talk to you."

"So I'm their replacement."

The red head grins. "Yeah basically, but maybe if I like you enough I'll talk to you some more."

Pepsi rolls his eyes again. "Like I care if you like me or not."

The guy furrows his eyebrows. "You sure you aren't emo because you're really acting like one, just lemme talk to you. It's not gonna kill ya." Then he smirks at Pepsi. "I'm a nice guy I promise."

Pepsi gives him an unimpressed look. "Whatever, what's your name?"

"Cola, and yours?"


"And yeah Skibiddy Toilet's basically the reason why I can't go out this weekend."

Cola gave Sprite a deadpanned look. "Bro what the fuck did that have to do with anything you just said?"

Before Sprite could say anything she was interrupted by Ms. Orbitz. "Okay class since we're all caught up, let's do something a little more fun. For your next project you and your partner have to tell me what you would do during a zombie apocalypse via presentation."

The class cheered until Ms. Orbitz said. "But I will be choosing your partners."

The whole class groaned. "What the sigma Ms. Orbitz! We always choose our partners so why can't we this time?"

Ms. Orbitz snaps her fingers. "That's exactly why, in life you're going to have to work with people you don't like and you're gonna have to deal with it without verbally complaining."

"But you just got done saying that this is for fun!" Someone else interjected.

"Yes and it is, doesn't mean I can't prepare you for the future while you have fun." After another round of complaints she says. "You can whine and cry all you want to but it's not gonna change my mind, and it's not like you won't be able to talk to your friends, you just can't help them out with this project."

Without taking any more complaints Ms. Orbitz goes over to her computer and starts listing off the sets of partners.

Apple Juice & Lemonade
Bud Light & Coffee
Cola & Pepsi
Cream Soda & Miller Lite
Grape Juice & Hot Tea
Mountain Dew & Seven Up
Sierra Mist & Sprite
Sweet Tea & Wine

When Cola heard who he was paired with he let out a loud groan, not caring if he was heard or not. But when he heard Sprite's name being called he heard her gasp and then suddenly he was shaking.

"Bro!" Sprite whispered. "This has to be fate!"

Cola frowned and pushed her. "Stop shaking me!"

"Oh shut up," but Sprite did stop shaking him. "You have no idea what this means for me man, I might have a chance after all!"

"Calm down, you don't even know if she likes girls."

Sprite gives him a frown. "Don't try to ruin this for me just because you have to work with Pepsi."

Cola groans again. "This isn't fair, how come you're the lucky one?"

Sprite smirks at him. "Because I'm hotter and better than you."

Cola sticks his tongue at her and Sprite does it back. Then the two of them hear a small quiet voice. "Uh Sprite do you wanna start on the project right now or do you wanna keep talking to Cola and start tomorrow?"

Sprite looks at her and smiles. "Nah we can start right now." Looking at Cola she says. "Come on, go to your partner, Coke."

Instead of moving Cola gives her a slight glare. "Or you could go to her seat and I can stay here."

"Yeah I could but if I do that then you're not getting Jack from me." Sprite says holding most of the vowels in the sentence.

Glare growing deeper Cola gets up but not before telling Sprite that she's a bitch. With that he reluctantly goes over to Pepsi and takes a seat, pointedly avoiding looking at him, without saying a word Pepsi starts typing stuff on their laptop and after a couple seconds he asks. "Do you want to do the typing or do you wanna do the design?"

Cola still doesn't look at him when he says. "How about you just do everything?"

Pepsi gives him a deadpanned look and in a flat voice he says. "Yeah no you're doing something, I'm literally giving you the choice to just decorate everything, if you don't take it I'll take it myself."

"Okay fine I'll design shit. I'm taking a nap."

Pepsi doesn't say anything as Cola buries his head into his arms. When the bell rings Cola gets up and goes to his next class, but not without flipping Sprite off when he sees her in the halls. The rest of the day went by as normal, Cola somewhat paying attention in his classes but mostly talking to his friends. Then once the day ended he went to Sprite's house.

Sprite opened her bedroom door. "The brownies are now in the oven, thanks for your lack of help."

Cola flopped on Sprite's bed for umpteenth time and continued to scroll on his phone. "Whatever you deserve it, I had to deal with that jerk while you were fucking flirting with Sierra Mist."

Sprite rolls her eyes. "Like you weren't taking a nap for the whole class, you should even be lucky I'm giving you some brownies anyway." Sprite hits Cola's legs. "Now stop hogging my bed."

Cola groans but relents, for the rest of the time the two of them play Smash Bros and when the brownies are done they have some. About an hour after that Cola leaves with some brownies and goes back home. When he got home he ended up passing out on the couch, weed always made him sleepy.

Eventually there's a knock at the door which causes Cola to wake up. Letting out a sigh Cola got up and went to the door and opened, who he saw made his eyes widen.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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