About Elliot

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His Childhood:

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I was a spoiled brat but not as much as my siblings. While they bought toys and trending stuff, I would buy outfits that were for adults when I was only 13. I would plan for my future, my family would often try to have "fun" with me but I call it unprofessional.

Once I turned 14 my parents started using punishments if we ever snuck out or skipped school etc. The worst punishment I could remember was when I snuck out just to see my girlfriend, when I found out she died in her sleep I started to cry and ran back home through the storm. Once I reached my house, I knocked on the door but no one answered... It was a punishment for me, I was shivering and laying on the mansion's front porch in the storm.

Since then I realized how cruel the world is, and how I should never fall inlove EVER again... One day, I went to my family therapist and he said I was correct for not falling in love again, however he said I could only feel $exual urges. My innocence faded that day, I would go for h00k ups and one night stands... I wasn't a monster... I'm a dirty whore who uses people for $exual pleasure.

I will NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER recovering from what caused my condition... My own brother did me...

His Family:

I have a father, mother, 2 older brothers named Tyler and Kyle, 2 younger brothers named Arthur and Daniel and lastly I have the youngest sister named Elyaana.

How He Was Raised:

A bodyguard was hired to protect me and teach me manners. If I did something wrong my hair would be tugged by him and I would sometimes be rejected to play outside. Whenever my parents go on vacation or business trip, I would be in literal Hell. My bodyguard, Taeyun would act like a drill Sargent. Even though I'm spoiled, that doesn't mean I didn't receive some pain. I once came out as Poly and my whole family made a family meeting with all my relatives and would make me say my sexuality in front of them with a mic.

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