About Christian

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His Childhood:

I was a well mannered young man, often getting praised at the age of 6 to 10. My allowance was $100 a week. I rarely spent it and would often save it. The punishments were the reasons I was well behaved. Let me list them down;

•Phone was taken away
•No food for lunch
•Wine bottles thrown at my head(If parents are drunk)
•hancuffled to my bed all day as my siblings could do whatever to me.
•Ankles get handcuffed to the bed.

His Family:

I have a father, mother, 2 older brothers named Xinn and Zinn(died), my little brother Xiao and little sister Mya. I also have 2 adopted younger brothers named Yevy and Danov, and an adopted sister named Anastasia(died).

Behind His Perfect Mask:

I wasn't energetic at all, I would take naps often. My Father rarely comes home, but arrives at family meetings. He never came to my school events, at least my Mother does. "He's just busy" my Mother would say. I knew he wasn't, I've never saw him being too busy to have an affair. That's when I started to become a delinquent at my school. I would get punished more often, but I didn't care. And the worse part was that my Mother had an affair with a woman(no hate), she would keep me quiet and would praise me if I didn't tell on her. I guess you could call me a Mama's Boy...

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