Chapter 5: A Grand Preparation

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Felix leaned back in his chair, his eyes roaming over the array of papers scattered across his desk. They were the blueprints, diagrams, and lists that he had spent countless hours poring over in preparation for Yve's birthday surprise.

He couldn't help but smile as he thought of the look on her face when she discovered what he had planned. It was going to be a birthday celebration unlike anything she'd ever experienced, and he couldn't wait to see her reaction.

As Felix studied the plans, his mind wandered back to the moment he had decided on the birthday surprise. It had been a spur-of-the-moment idea, but once it had taken root in his mind, he couldn't shake it. He wanted to give Yve something truly special and memorable.

He had poured his heart and soul into the planning process. From the guest list to the decor, to the menu, and the entertainment, Felix had spared no expense.

Just as Felix was lost in thought, there was a knock at the door, and his party planner, Maria, entered the room. She was a petite woman with a no-nonsense attitude and a sharp eye for detail.

"Ah, Maria," Felix greeted her, gesturing for her to take a seat. "Right on time. I have a few more details to discuss with you regarding the birthday party."

Maria took a seat, her laptop opened and ready to take notes. "Alright, I'm all ears."

Felix leaned forward, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "I'll need to go over the guest list and the seating arrangements with you. I have a few specific requests in regards to that."

Maria nodded, pulling up a spreadsheet on her laptop. "Of course. I have the guest list ready, and I'd be happy to go through the seating arrangements with you."

Felix began listing out his specific requests, including who he wanted to sit next to whom. He wanted to make sure the seating arrangement was perfect, with no details overlooked. The conversation continued back and forth, with Maria adding notes and suggestions as they went.

As they were discussing the seating arrangements, Felix shifted the conversation to the topic of expenses. He cleared his throat and mentioned casually, "By the way, I did spend quite a bit on the preparations for the party... around 680,000 pesos, to be exact."

Felix paused for a moment, a hint of nonchalance in his voice. "The party preparations have come with a bit of a price tag," he continued, his gaze drifting over to the blueprints on his desk. "I've spent about 680,000 pesos on everything - the decorations, the food, invitations, etc."

Maria raised an eyebrow, her fingers pausing over her laptop keys. "That's quite a significant amount, sir."

Felix shrugged, a sly smile on his lips. "I spared no expense. I want this party to be absolutely perfect. Yve deserves nothing less."

Maria's expression softened slightly, a hint of understanding in her eyes. "You really care about her, don't you?"

Maria tilted her head slightly, her eyes studying Felix with curiosity. "From what I've heard, Yve is your soon-to-be arranged wife, correct?"

Maria nodded, recalling what she had heard about Yve. "Yes, I've heard that she's going to be your arranged wife," she said, her tone neutral. "Is that why you're going all out for her birthday, sir?"

Felix shook his head, a hint of determination in his eyes. "No, it's not just because we're going to be married," he said firmly. "It's because I care about her. I want to make her happy, and this is the least I can do."

Maria raised an eyebrow, curious at his response. "But the size of this celebration is quite extravagant, sir. Are you sure you're not overdoing it?"

Maria nodded, her eyes shifting to her laptop as she made a few notes. "I understand. And I assume you're keeping the party a surprise, so Yve doesn't know about it?"

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