Chapter 10: Him

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The kiss was rough and demanding, full of anger and jealousy. Felix's hands gripped her arms tightly, pulling her even closer. His body was pressed against hers, trapping her against the wall.

Yve tried to protest, but Felix's lips and hands made it difficult to form coherent words.

"F-Felix-" she gasped, trying to push him away.

But Felix was having none of it. He deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding into her mouth as he pressed her more firmly against the wall.

Yve managed to push him away, breaking the kiss. She was breathing hard, her eyes wide with surprise and anger.

"What the hell, Felix?" she snapped, trying to catch her breath.

Felix's expression darkened as he looked at her.

"You can't just go around acting like you don't belong to me," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "You're going to be my wife soon. You belong to me."

Yve could feel her anger rising at his words.

"Belonging to you doesn't mean you own me," she spat out, her voice firm. "I'm not some piece of property you can just claim."

Yve locked gazes with Felix, her expression defiant.

"This is nothing more than an arranged marriage," she stated, her voice steady. "You don't get to control my life just because we're getting married."

Felix's jaw clenched, his expression hardening even more.

"It doesn't matter if it's arranged or not," he said, his voice cold. "You're going to be my wife. You'll be living under my roof, eating under my table, sleeping in my bed."

Yve felt a pang of disgust and anger at his words. She tried to push him away again, but he grabbed her wrists firmly.

"You can't think for a second that I'll let you run around with other men while we're married," he said, pulling her closer. "You're mine, Yve. And I won't tolerate any other man touching you."

Yve struggled against his grip, trying to break free from his hold.

"Let go of me," she hissed, her anger and frustration growing. "You don't get to decide who I see or who I'm with."

Felix released her wrists, but his expression was still dark and angry.

"Fine," he said, his voice low. "See who you want. Spend time with whoever you want. But don't expect me not to react if I see you with another man."

Yve took a step back, rubbing her wrists where his fingers had gripped them tightly.

"You're being completely irrational," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "You can't seriously expect me to cut off all contact with other men just because I'm marrying you."

Felix's eyes flashed with anger at her words.

"You're goddamn right I do," he snapped, his voice sharp. "I'll be damned if I let you go around acting like some single woman while we're married. You're going to be my wife, and you'll act like it."

Yve crossed her arms over her chest, her expression defiant.

"And what if I don't want to act like a dutiful wife?" she challenged, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Felix's eyes flashed with anger at her defiant tone.

"You don't get a choice," he said, his voice firm but controlled. "You're marrying into this family, and that means acting like a proper wife. That means no more late nights with other men. No more sneaking around behind my back."

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