08: an escape

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11:56 PM
Floyd's Residence, Crescent Hills

There was never a dull moment when Lane was with her friends. Whenever they were together, everything felt more lively, laughter filled the awkward silence. She had never known peace until she met them.

Now she had to let it all go and face the consequences of her actions. Mason's gone and she still hasn't learned to accept that yet.

Although it's only been a couple of hours since his death was announced, to her a million years of misery has gone by. She wanted to remain here in her imagination where he was alive, where the blood wasn't on her hands.

"Where the hell is he?" It sounded thick and bitter. Easton agitatedly roamed around, stomping hard enough to possibly wake Floyd's parents up.

Lane so dearly wanted to tell him to piss off, but she didn't have the energy for it. Instead, she said, "Calm down, it's not like you're always early either."

"At least my tardiness doesn't equal death." He spat back. Glaring at her as if she was the one causing all this. "Shouldn't we like-I don't know, check up on him?"

Evie solemnly agreed, "Yeah, I'll go check the door. Maybe he left it open." Maybe it's odd to leave a door unlocked in other parts of the world, not here though. Not in Crescent Hills.

The porch, at first, had nothing to offer. Just a dusty vintage "Welcome" carpet placed on the front, though it didn't feel so welcoming now looking at it.

That was until Lane noticed a letter, slipped halfway through the door. Her hands wandered on the paper, its texture silky smooth.

"What did he say?" Was it even from him? It could be fraud to trick them into thinking he did something. Into thinking he left.

I'm sorry,

I know I shouldn't have left like that but when I saw what happened to Mason I couldn't stay. I was scared I would face the same fate too. You guys should probably get out of here as well. Trust me. If I knew anything about this town, is that it's full of monsters, human or not.

This isn't a proper goodbye but we'll meet again. And when we do, I'll be sure to say a proper one. Sorry, I'm getting off track.

Anyway, I found something you'd probably wanna know. Turns out we're not the first ones to face this game (I know Easton said something about the article but that doesn't count), I talked to a girl. Her name was, I think it was, Rena. She reached out to me online after the story made big headlines and told me that she had experienced the same thing too. Surprising right? Well, she advised me but more like demanded me to get out of the town. She said that's how she escaped whatever creature stalked her.

Stay safe, don't die

"He wrote this. It's handwritten in his handwriting." Lane stated. Way to go Captain Obvious, Easton had to fight himself to avoid letting that sentence slip from his tongue.

He only had the energy to roll his eyes, "Coward." Turning his back to the house, not bothering to watch his steps while getting off his friend's wooden porch.

Lane followed after him. "We should still go," she said. An uncomfortable dead air fell between them before Lane spoke again. "Don't wanna end up dead."

"Like Mason—" Easton's retort earned him a well-deserved whack on the back of his head, "Ouch-what? Am I lying?"

Lane didn't have time to argue with his ignorant ego. "Shut up. Let's go."

So they did. They left him just like any good friend would. If he wanted to suffer, so be it.

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