05: a wishing ritual

7 5 3

01:40 AM
At The Heart of The Forest


Mason, Floyd, Easton, Evie, and Lane spread out in a circular form, surrounding the little pond. They looked at each other, ready to start the ritual.


Tsk. The lighter lets out a small, flickering bright orange flame, it swayed gently in the breeze as Evie brought it down to light her candle. It illuminated the dark forest, casting a warm glow on her features. She settled down the candle—on the outline of the pond—passing the lighter to the person beside her, Lane.

She gladly took it from Evie's hand. Twisting it on her fingers while putting pressure on the wheel and then pushing it down, causing a small spark to appear turning into a bright flame.

The area had a smoky aroma to it, ascribed to the flames igniting.

They each took turns torching their candles and placing them down to form a makeshift circle.


"Now what?" Floyd asked, his face blurry because of the smoke.

Easton hissed, "Just wait a sec, will ya." He had his hand deep into the pocket of his jeans, taking out a pocket knife. The knife was tiny but could do a perfect amount of damage, its retractable razor blade glistened in the fire's hue, finalized with a polished and well-maintained metal handle.

"We each have to draw blood, just a drop though," Easton announced, his voice sharp like his blade.

The slender razor-sharp blade cut through his skin with ease. He winced in pain. Letting the knife drop.


"I'm fine." He replied bluntly. His hand balled up into a fist as he squeezed the blood out of the wound.


Fresh arterial blood swirls in the clear water, the red tint staining it.
Each of them did it. Each of them had to do it.

Now it came down to the last one, Mason. "No, no! I can't." He panics immediately after receiving the knife, it clatters to the floor.


He continuously shook his head, "You guys go on without me."

"You have to know, once you start the ritual you can't stop. That's how the game works" The straightforward answer given by Easton only petrified Mason even more.

Evie darted her eyes towards him, "Easton let it go,"

"He has to do it. If he doesn't, we'll all die!"
She scoffed at his defense. "You don't seriously believe that right?" Evie's vision is clouded by smoke but still manages to make out the look of distress on Mason's face.

"Fine, whatever!" He gives up. He glued the knife into his palms and dropped blood twice into the pond.

"I thought you could only drop it once."

"Dunno, it doesn't say anything about that. Just said drop the blood."

Something was wrong. Lane had a gut-punching feeling about that. Whatever it was, it was drawn by fresh thick human blood.


Amongst the dark looming trees laid a well. Its mossy cobblestone walls, crawled with insects yearning to take a bite.

The sweet undertone of blood flew into their nostrils. Mason had to force himself not to throw up at the scent of it. Evie on the other hand, inches closer to the well as if she'd done it many times in the past.

Lane followed closely behind her, not wanting to be the first to approach the ageing structure. Even Easton was stuck in his position, lifting a foot to step closer but retreats it all too quickly.

When Evie finally reached the well, she dove—head first—into what seemed, a bottomless well. Luckily, the water didn't sway high enough to drench her.

Murky water sloshed around, crashing into small pebbles poking out from the badly built well. It smelled almost exactly like the animal they came across earlier: rotten.

"So..." started Lane. "Now what?"

Easton dug in his pockets. Its soft fabric brushed against his hands.

Mason started to get uneasy. He shifted around, putting his weight on his other foot while fidgeting rapidly. "C'mon guys let's just get this over with," whined Mason.

"Hang on a sec. I'm trying to get a connection." Easton waved his phone in the air. After countless times, he got a bar. "Yes!"

The blonde haired boy was first to rush over to him, nearly tripping on a few twigs. "You got a bar?" He shouted, latching his fingers on Easton's shoulders while smiling widely.

"Calm your ass down." Pulling away from his friends' touch.

"What does it say? C'mon dude! I wanna go home."

The game was simple, there were only five steps into accomplishing everything you ever wanted in life.

Upon finding the well you would have to carry a couple items with you, that being: a pen, paper, an old coin, and anything sharp.

Write down on the piece of paper your name before wrapping it around the coin tightly, set it aside.

Use the sharp object to draw blood from your hand and let only a single drop of blood fall into the well.

After all players have completed this, drop the coin warped in paper and make a wish.

Every 24 hours for a week you have to drop a coin wrapped with paper and by the end of the week if you succeed you will get what you wished for.

It was 2 AM by the time they finished. Each went to their own home, failing to notice the creature they've awaken that very night.

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