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As fast as possible, we drove to London to get to Vivian's home. When we arrived, I'd already heard enough of history, so when Cade got out of the car and I didn't, he looked at me confused. "Are you coming or not?" "Nah, I've had enough history for today." "But we might need your help here." "You got this; I believe in you." I said unmotivated and leaned back. Cade wanted to say something, but Bee started driving, saving me from this situation. Then I got a call from Burton telling me we needed to call an old friend of mine. I had no idea who he meant, but we connected our phones and called a number. "Damn you! Tell me where it is!" Burton said when someone picked up the phone.

"Not so fast. I want in." "SIMMONS?!" I yelled into the phone. It was silent for a moment until he answered again. "Witwickey? Like little miss Witwickey!?" He also yelled back. "Yes! Oh my god, you're still alive!" "Of course I am, what did you think? And you? Saving the world again, little Witwickey?" "Well, I can't seem to get out of all this, but now what happened to you?" "I was in prison for a few years but now back to business." "To be a Witwiccan, you have to be a special person. You, sir, are not." "Read me into the club, and I'll tell you. Right here, now." "Over the phone? That is absolutely barbaric." "Over the phone. Do it, English man!" "As the 12th Earl of Folgan, by the power imbued by his Majestic King Arthur and his League of Knights of the round table I now grant you Seymour Rutherford Simmons Entrance to-" "Admittance! Not Entrance! Don't try to nooker me. Get it right." "Enough enough enough. Just tell me! Now!" "Stack six, row C. Hurry, man, they're dissolving scrotum. Let's go." "I'm going! I'm going! It is very confusing talking to you."

It took a few minutes until he finally got the book. They started talking about Cybertron and the earth. I slowly started to hate history so I just stopped listening. We finally got a location. "Thank you so much, Simmons" I said, and we hung up the phone call. Cade and Vivian. They told me we had to go to the Navy Museum. As we speed through the city, cops, TRF, and Decepticons are following us. "It's a one-way street!" Vivian yelled at us. "He is driving!" Cade yelled back at her. The police car crashed into a wall. Now only the police Decepticon followed us. "Bee, head right, haul ass! Go!" Cade told him. Bee opened the left side to shoot at the Decepticon. Since I was sitting on that side, I was hanging out of the car. Bee's head right next to mine. He shot at the Decepticon and he rolled over. Bee pulled back together, And Vivian and Cade looked at Bee like he was out of his mind.

We finally arrived, and Burton was also not far behind us. "Did we lose them?" Cade asked as we entered the museum. "Hey, stop!" One of the securities yelled since we didn't pay. "Stop, you didn't pay. Stop, you didn't pay!" "It's alright, I got them! They just love submarines!" Burton yelled, and we continued running to the boats. "The mission's in deep, unexplored waters. haha It's wonderful. And the sour-sweet musk of men in close quarters. It's quite disgusting. But now, this is the greatest mission of them all. One that I have longed for my entire life. To help turn the tide of human history, you know. Now I can no longer join you." We all looked at each other, confused. "But my lord, you have been waiting for this moment for 71 years." "I know, but I'm not knighthood material, I'm afraid. And, uh... You have your mission, and I have mine." "Oh no, no, no. You are not leaving us in this thin can, with that four-foot mental psychopath. I don't think so." "I prefer the word sociopath." "Mr Cade, everything you've done in your life—your pain and suffering, the loss of your wife, your separation from your daughter, your financial difficulties—it's all just been a journey to this very moment." "You talk a lot." "Yeah, I suppose I do." "Uhh my dear, uh your father left the alliance to you, for you alone. She knows the way to the staff." He said and walked to the exit.

Suddenly the sub started moving, and we started diving out of the city. I stayed back to keep me to myself. Suddenly, the whole ship made a turn, and we were over head. I clung onto the side and tried to get to the others. "Where are you going?" I heard Cade yell. "Away from here." Cogman said, and the next thing I saw, he got shot out of the sub. "That little sicko just shot himself out like a torpedo." I know I saw!" Exhausted, I sat down and rested my head. Cogman came back with two fish, and I helped him prepare food. "Sushi la Cogman e la Y/n. " Cogman said as he served the food.

"You are the first to see this ship. Since dark ages. Your talisman is the key to unlocking this ship." "Woah." I said amazed. "The ship knows we're here." We drove inside. Suddenly all the Water was gone, and we decided to leave the sub. "What now?" Cade asked. "You're the Earl's special guy. You figure it out." Cogman said. Vivian jumped into the water, and Cade followed her. "I'm not going into this water; my gears would be sucked into my main shaft." Bee slapped him, and he fell into the water. I followed behind and jumped into the water. "Now, you're both on my shit list." Cogman said, looking at Cade and Bee. "This is unbelievable." "Yeah, it is unbelievable." Cade and Vivian stated:. "What does the old man want us to do?" Cade then lit a torch, and on the wall there was now a way. "Oh my god." Vivian said. "Bee, go around and find another way! Come on!" "What, are you serious? Do you think I like winding up a place like this?" Bee said.

"Hey Cade, I'm reluctant to say this to you, but I think that you're quiet, you know, brave." "Is that a compliment?" "You could throw one back my way." "Well, that's got to happen organically." "Uh, I was the first of the sub." "Perfect, what do you want now? A reward? Please stop and concentrate," I said and went to the front of the group. We then climbed down some wires and ended up in some big room. Everywhere, there were big statues of transformers. "I think we found it." I said, looking around, amazed. "It's a tomb." Cade States. "Formality. Knights are always guarding something. Hang on, look at this." She said and pointed to the ground. "It's celid." She pressed down two plates and some power sounds were heard. In the middle, there was movement and a crate was pulled out of the ground. "It's merlin. It's real, All of it." Vivian said. "Wait, what does this say? She then started reading in another language. "No one shall have it." She said. "Wait, we came all the way down here, all this, and your not gonna open this?" "Of course I'm going to open it." I lost my temper and went to the grave. Then I slowly started to push off the cover.

Down there was Merlin. Well, a very dead Merlin. He held his rod in his hands. "Are you kidding me? We came all this way for this. For your ugly great-great granddad's bones." He said to both of us, "I didn't think Look around Cade here could be much more; you lose your patience way to fast." I told him annoyed and walked around to find something else. Suddenly, I heard shooting and fighting. I quickly ran back and saw one of the 'dead transformers' Not so dead trying to kill Cade. The TRF was not standing far away and also shot at them. I then ran to Vivian and helped her up. The staff was now a metal staff. "Woah, the thing is moving." I heard Lennox say:. "Corner her." Lennox said, and they stood around Vivien." "Miss, drop the weapon." She held it closer to her and I looked into Lennox, eyes. "Lennox, you know this is wrong." "You don't know what you're doing. Lennox stop!" "All I want is that weapon." Then all the other transformers from the wall also started moving and tried to attack us, but before that could happen, they got destroyed and behind them stood Optimus fucking Prime.

I looked at him with big eyes, Optimus? I asked out of breath with wide eyes. "I've come for that staff." He said. 'What?'

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