The moonlight walk

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Hi guys, I'm back with a new season of Oneshots on our dear slayypoint.

It's the first oneshot of this season.
Hope you guys will like it.

But before starting , let me clear that it's totally fictional. Reality has no relation with this.

Now let's start the story...

It was a beautiful evening until his dear wife got her period.
Her mood was just ruined by this.
She was not even wanting to do the dinner.
But her husband somehow managed to made her finish her dinner.

She was so irritated that she even shouted at her husband for almost no reasons.

Later she regretted that and apologized but then she came to know that her husband didn't care about what she said to him at that time because his all focus was how he could make her feel good at this time.

She felt guilty on that but her husband strictly told her to not worry about these.

She didn't say anything but inside she felt more guilty as thinking how can she shout at such husband.

After that matter she scrolled through her phone but soon got bored and threw the phone beside.

It seemed like she was too much annoyed.
She was stressed as well because of work.

Her husband can't see her like this.
He thought to make her mind fresh.

After few minutes she received a text from her husband that said, —
"come outside. Wear something very comfortable. It's just you and me. Do a bit fast if you are ok with that. I'm waiting 😉"

She felt weird that why is he messaging at this time from outside.

Without thinking further she got ready.

She wore a simple white T-shirt along with black shorts.
She made a ponytail, wore slippers, grabbed her phone and went outside their home as per her husband's instructions.

She saw her husband standing outside wearing a white T-shirt and black cargo pants.
( you can take reference from slayypop's recent video, I attached it with this ff)

A smile crept on her face as noticed that both of them were twinning by coincidence.

As he saw her, he waved his hand with a smile playing in his lips  gesturing her to come near.
She waved back and went near him.

"Twinning again?", her husband chuckled

"Accidentally", she replied with a chuckle

" by the way, why did you call me here Abhi ?", she asked

"You will come to know automatically Gautu ",  he replied

" tell me na!", she requested

"Are nothing, just to feel the nature", he answered

" oh"

They were walking by the river side.
The dancing leaves of trees on the bank were causing a soothing effect.

The moon was shining in the sky, surrounded by uncountable glowing stars.

The entire sky was lighten up by the cool and soothing beams of the moon.

The fresh and cool breeze coming from the river was refreshing.

The budding twigs, the murmuring river, the tender creepers and the plants seemed to wear silver robes when the white beams if the moon shone upon them.

The tied boats were floating smoothing on the surface of the river.

The river water was so clean that the fishes could be seen swimming through it.

The river water dazzled under the moon.
The moon was similer to a round silver plate.

The landscape looked as beautiful as a fairyland.

It has a soothing effect on human mind. It was like a healing balm which removed all the worries of life.

The flowing air was a bit cold which made Gautami shiver a little.
She tried not to show it but Abhyudaya's eyes caught that.

He wrapped his one arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to protect from the cold.

She wrapped her one arm around his waist and rested her head near his collarbone.

The warmth of his loving embrace was giving her a relief and comfort that no one could give.

She was not annoyed anymore.
The refreshing atmosphere and the comfort of Abhi's touch made her forgot every tension and stress.

"Thoda baithe?", she asked in soft tone.

" yeah sure", he said and sat at the river side with her.

Abhyudaya folded his pants upto his knees and dipped them into the water.
Watching him Gautami also dipped her legs into the river and rested her head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on the top of her head.

She was looking at the sky while he was adoring her.

She looked at him and said, "the moon is looking so beautiful today, isn't it?"

She gave a soft smile and said,"I don't know about your moon, but my moon looks beautiful everyday"

"Your moon?", she chuckled

" yes, my moon is sitting just beside me", he answered still holding that soft smile.

She blushed but didn't say anything in reply.
She again looked at the sky then looked at him and said, "the stars are glowing, much more than anything"

He said, "I don't agree with you totally"

"Hmm?", she asked being confused.

" Yeah it's true that the stars are glowing. But it's not the most glowing thing", he replied

"What's more glowing?", she asked not being able to understand what did he actually meant by that.

"They can be glowing but not more than you", he said clearly making her blush more.

A smile crept on her face, she looked at Abhi and called him, " abhi"

"Hmm?", he asked as he looked at her

" Sometimes I consider myself the most lucky woman for getting a husband like you", she smiled

"Gautu, sometimes I think that I don't actually deserve a wife like you", he said as he looked at the sky again while laying there

She laid beside him and asked, " what made you think such a stupid thing?"

He chuckled and said, "nah I mean, I think you are too good for me"

"Never! We are meant to be for eachother", she exclaimed as she rested her head on his chest.

" I love you gautu",he said as he wrapped his arm around her.

"I love you too Abhi", she said and pecked his lips.
(1040 words)

That's it for today guys, hope you liked it.

Bye bye 💗

One shots | season 2 | ft.Slayypoint Where stories live. Discover now