Titanic : once again (pt-1)

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Hi guys, I'm back with a new oneshot.
It's just like the titanic movie with some changes. I hope you will enjoy it.

Let's start....
A large ship was sailing through the huge Indian ocean. It was so expensive. Ofcourse there are reason behind it being so expensive. It was luxurious and it was the best ship of that time. Every single person wanted to travel in it for once in life. Many people sacrificed their savings for it.

A young man was travelling on that ship in 3rd class. He was sharing talks with his friends when his eyes fell on a beautiful lady standing near the edge of the ship while looking at the murmuring blue sea.

He was just looking at her getting amazed by her beauty. Yeah, she is not the most beautiful woman she met ever. But she had a different charm that forced him.

Witnessing his sudden weird behavior, his one friend asked him, "what happened brother? Why are you staring at that girl?"

"She is so beautiful", he mumbled while still staring at her.

" bro, d-don't get me wrong but you know right.. that.. she is a first class passenger? I..mean..I don't think you should..fell for her, I mean.. ofcourse it's not in your hand but.. still..I hope you understand? ", said the friend hesitating

" oh stop it arshad ! Why can't rich people fall in love with us? If he has fallen for her then why are you discouraging him ? He should confess whatever he feels.", another friend exclaimed from beside

'No no, don't get me wrong yash..I-I was just telling for his good...you k-know about my p-past right?", said arshad almost getting teary

"I know Arshad that you are always my well wisher. I know why you said that to me.. ", said Abhyudaya while rubbing Arshad's back to comfort him.

" I am really sorry arshad, I never wanted to hurt you...I was just...I'm sorry arshad", apologized Yash feeling guilty

"It's ok yash, it was my fault. Abhyudaya it's better to confess your feelings rather than holding it..", said arshad.

Scene changes to night...

A girl was standing at the edge of the ship. She was staring at the sea while thinking about something with tears in her eyes. She thought for a while and stepped outside the grill. She was still holding the grill, closing her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She was about to jump that's when she heard a voice - " hey what are you doing?!!", she turned immediately only to find a man looking at her with worry.

"Who are you?", she asked

"I'll introduce myself but first you come here !", said the man

The man's POV ...

I was roaming around the ship as I was not able to sleep, that's when my eyes fell one a girl.
It was the same girl I saw today. What was she doing just now? She is trying to jump on the sea! It's a suicide! Why ?
I have to stop her

POV ends...

" nah, I don't wanna live anymore....", the girl said while looking at sky


"No one understands me.."

"So what? That does not mean that you should end your precious life like this !"

"Huh, you don't even know anything about me..."

"Do whatever but let me tell you that the water is too cold, I know because I'm experienced, I would have died that day if my friend was not there for me", said the man

" really? Is that cold is the water?", said the girl surprisingly

"Yeah, it's cold enough to froze a man from top to button"

"Oh gosh!", said the girl in amusement

"Now come this side"

Before the girl could say anything , her hand slipped. She screamed and closed her eyes thinking that it's the end. But suddenly she felt someone holding her hand tightly. She opened her eyes and saw him holding her hand tightly. She held his hand back.

"Get up", shouted the boy

" I can't... ", the girl said being helpless

" just try", saud the boy trying to pull her

Somehow he was able to save her as he pulled her with heavy force.
Both of them fell inside, over each other. They made an eye contact. They were staring at eachother's eyes that's when two men came shouting.

"Hey you bloody fucker! What are you doing with her? ", one of the men said as he pulled the boy by his coller.

"Hey, don't get me wrong! I didn't do anything with her", shouted the boy

" don't lie bustard!'', said one of the men

"Hey ! He didn't do anything to me. You are misunderstanding him. Leave him right now!", said the girl

"But mam--"

"I said leave him!", shouted the girl, anger visible on her face

" ok mam", said the men and went from their after apologising to the boy.

Signed the girl and looked at the boy, "what's your name by the way?"

"It's Abhyudaya, what about you?"

She was about to answer that's when the mother of the girl shouted her name calling her.

"Yeah mom , coming!!!", the girl shouted in response while going away.
She turned towards the boy while going and said, " gautami.." Then went from there.

Abhyudaya smiled and went to his own place and laid on his bed while thinking about her. And slowly he drifted into sleep.

Next day morning...
To be continued....

(930 words )

That's it for today guys.
I'll upload more parts of this story, so stay tuned.

Bye bye 💗

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