Wada : The promise

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Hi guys, here is a new oneshot !
It was a normal evening until Abhyudaya got a shoking news from his parents.

It was a type of news that he couldn't decide whether he should be happy or sad.

It was the news of his chance in a foreign art college, where he wanted to apply from childhood.
He was happy because it was his dream come true moment. But his happiness didn't stay for long as he his mind straight went to his befriend, his Gautami.

He can't spend a day without her and it's about freaking 7 years.

How would he tell her about this? How would she react? Will he even be able to focus on his work?
-Various questions were roaming in his head.

Without thinking further he dialled her number.
She picked it up and said casually, "haan Abhi bol"

A drop of tear fell from his eyes as he heard her voice. He didn't know how to give her this news.

"Hello?", she said

" h-hello g-gautami", he said somehow

"Abhi? What happened? It seems serious", she asked with concern and worry as she could sense that something really serious has happened as only in serious situation, Abhi calls her by her full name.

" tu-tu please ek bar mere gh-ghar aja", Abhyudaya said, his throat paining.

'Ok ok, I'm coming''

She entered his room only to find him sitting on the bed while covering his face with his palms.

She went near him and lifted his chin up and she was shocked.
He was crying?
She cupped his face and asked him worriedly, "what happened Abhi? Why were you crying?"

Without saying anything, he hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and realised that he was crying silently.
His tears were making her t-shirt wet but she didn't care about that at all.

Finally when his tears subsided, she parted away and made him look at her by holding his face.

"Tell me Abhi, what happened?", she said, her voice soft as a feather.

" gautu.."


"Gautu I have to go abroad for 7 years", he said looking down as a drop of tear fell from eyes which was not unnoticed by her.

" what?!", she said and fell complete silent. The world seemed to fade away for her. She couldn't digest the fact that her best friend is going abroad living her. The one without whom she can't spend a day is now going to abroad for 7 years!

"Gautu?", he called her with worry

She didn't reply, she just looked at him, her eyes welled up.
His heart ached watching her like this.
He hugged her tightly and said, ''I don't know gau..I don't know what should I do..ok I'm I'm not going there anymore. There are many good colleges here "

She broke the hug and looked at his teary eyes.
She cupped his face and said, "no Abhi no, it's your childhood dream''

" but gau-"

"It's ok Abhi, just don't forget me in these 7 years ", she said, her voice trembling

"Even if I want I can't forget you gautu. I can forget everything but not you", he said cupping her face

They hugged eachother tightly.

Time skips to next day at Airport...

Abhi was waiting for someone to arrive. Yes you guessed it right, it was none other than his Gautu.
There is only few time left for his flight.

Meanwhile Gautami who was stucked in a jam was cursing her luck.

Her heart pounding heavily.
She finally reached airport.
She rushed into the airport and scanned the crowd. Her eyes searching for her Abhi. Finally her eyes caught him, he seemed like waiting for someone. And she knew who it was

She took a breath of relief as she saw that it's not late.

She shouted his name and ran to him.
He looked at her and a smile played in his face. She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.
Both cried, they cried as much they could in that time in eachother's embrace.

" I'll wait for you. Don't forget me", she said as it was time for his flight.

"I will never forget you"


"Wada raha", he said with reassuring smile.

He wiped his his tears and said in soft voice, " bye!"

"Bye", she said controlling her tears

Soon the flight took off.

Days are passing. Gautami was waiting for him.
Meanwhile Abhyudaya who desperately wanted to talk with her but due to some reasons he was not allowed for that.

The distance between their places made their connection of heart more strong.

In all those painful days they realised their love for each other. Both were thinking about each other all the time.

7 years has passed.
Finally it was the day...

Gautami got ready to go airport.
Again it was a jam in the road to airport while she was cursing her luck again.
Finally she reached her destination.
She rushed into the airport and started searching for him.
Her heart beating fast.

It seemed like history is repeating itself.

Suddenly her eyes fell on a young man who was looking for someone. His dark brown eyes, black thik hair, slim pink lips. He has not changed, he just grew more handsome. Yes he is her Abhi. She didn't fail to recognise him.

She ran to him hugged him tightly without letting him say a single word.
He hugged her back tightly.
She could feel the same touch, the same scent.
Tears started flowing from both of their eyes but this time it was tears of joy.

They finally broke the hug and looked into eachother's eyes with smile on their faces.

She could see the love he has for her in his eyes.
Without saying anything , he knelt down infront of her and took out a diamond ring from his pocket.

"Gautu, in these difficult days I realised that how much I have fallen for you. Each day, each second I only thought about you. Somehow I completed my work. My body was their but my soul was here, around you. I love you gautu", he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity.

Gautami's were again filled with tears, she covered her mouth trying to overcome the excitement, the happiness. She hugged him tightly, very tight that even air was struggling to find way to go through them.
He hugged her back.

Then she broke the hug and whispered trying to controll her unstoppable tears, "I love you too Abhi, I love you too...there was not a single day when I didn't missed you"

He passed her smile and glided the ring into her finger creating a big smile on her face.

"I Love you ❤️"

"I love you too ❤️"
(1150 words)

That's it for today guys. Hope you liked it ☺️

nischay_slayypoint this story is similar to your story 😅 but trust me, I had already written it yesterday. I'm sure you will understand me. Love you 💗

Bye bye 👋

One shots | season 2 | ft.Slayypoint Where stories live. Discover now