The Tale of Love (pt-1)

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Hi guys, I am back with a brand new oneshot.

It going to be different from the other ffs. Not gonna tell why as you will come to know that automatically by reading the story.
So without talking further, lets start reading it...enjoy 💗

One day the king of Vyannagar (totally fictional name) did an announcement on the occasion of his dear daughter's 25th birthday.

The announcement said that whoever would be able to win the archery competition that was held on princess's birthday he will get the golden bow of their royal family which the granpa of the king got as a blessing from god and will win the hand of the princess.

The princess of Vyannagar was famous because of her beauty all over the country. She had beautiful and rare black curly hairs with eyes like the petals of lotus. Her pink plump lips and clear brown skin made her more beautiful.
She was named as Gautami.
Everyone had dream of gliding the ring through her pretty slim finger.

Another side, in small hut there lived a young lad with his mom. The poor boy's father died when he was only 13.

He started doing work for his family from a young age. But he still continued his study by doing hardwork. His mother worked hard as well to raise him. She cried many nights but didn't let him know about this. But somehow he knew that.

He used to go the school of their village, he was a brilliant student their.

He was so charming and handsome that the people of the village used to express sorrow about him for born in such a poor family.
They said that if he were born in a rich family then girls would have died for him.

When he was born the doctor said, "congratulations! A prince has born in this little hut"

When he was born, his father did a great profit. Also he was born at the time of sunrise. Feeling lucky by having such a son, his father named him 'Abhyudaya' which means sunrise and prosperity.

His mind is as sharp as a knife and his eyes were nothing less than a eagle's eye. He had a great control on his tongue that can win anyone's heart by its sweet words.
His smile was enough to melt anyones anger in second.

He was very good at archery. He learned it by himself.
The news went to his ears as well.
He decided to participate at the compition as he really dreamt of princess Gautami.
Not because of her beauty but somewhere he felt a unknown connection with her. Once when he was only 17 years old he was able to steal a glance of the princess.
She was 16 at that time.
Her innocence and pure smile won his heart that day.

One day when he was almost 20 and she was 19, he saw her again when she was lost in the jungle situated behside their village while coming with the king for hunting.

Abhyudaya saw her and rescued her from a hideous tiger by piercing his head with his sharp arrow. She was really impressed by his talent and was greatful to him.

"Thank you very much gentle man"

"No no, it was my duty to protect you", he said with a gentle voice.

" you are really sweet, what's your name ?"


They shared talks and did some joyful things until the king came after hours to take her back.

She was already impressed by him when he rescued her but now, after spending hours with him she fell for him.
I know it might be funny for some to fall in love with someone this early.
But as I told you that Abhyudaya had the capability to win anyone's heart easily by his behavior.

This was the time for them to bid each other a goodbye but they were connected with each other so much in this few time that they didn't want to say that.



She held his hands and looked at his eyes which were already on her. Then said, "Abhyudaya, I have fallen for you..."

"Are you sure about what you are saying gautami ?", he said with a soft voice while holding her hands back.

" yes Abhi, I know it might sound stupid, but trust me..I have grown feelings for you Abhi..", she said with sincerity in her eyes. The way she called him Abhi melted his heart.

"No gautami, it's not stupid from any angle... Even I fell for you..but from the day I saw you for the first time.."

Gautami looked at him with shock.
He smiled and said, "yeah, that time I was only 16..I thought it was for just few days, but I was wrong...I never felt the same for any other girl...Maybe god has planned this..."

Gautami smiled back then said, "but what should I do now? I don't want to go back without you"

"Don't worry about it dear, I'll come "

"Really?", she asked, her eyes shinning.

" hmm dear, I'll come for sure ", he said with that magical smile appearing on his charming face.

" I'll wait for you", she said smiling

"Gautami?! Come dear, it's our time to leave", her father shouted from a little distance.

" yes dad!!'', she replied with a loud voice

"Bye", she said to Abhyudaya

" bye", he replied

Back to present, now he was getting ready to leave for the compitition held on a day after that.

To be continued....
(930 words)

That's it for today guys, bye bye 💗

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