The Tale of Love (pt-2)

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He began for his journey to Vyannagar from his small village after conforming hir mother about it and taking blessings from her.

He went for his journey with a bow and a bunch of arrows. He had a staff on his hand as well to protect himself from sudden attacks.

Until now he was walking through a forest, now he has came to a stream on which a log of wood was served as a bridge.

This so called bridge was so narrow that only one person can cross it at a time.

He had just took one step that's when a person from the opposite side had also took a step on it.
That person was well built and he also had a staff in his hand.

"Hey! Only the stronger one has the right to go first!", Abhyudaya shouted

" and what made you think that I'm less than you ?", replied the person

"Okay, then decide it by a fight!", Abhyudaya said with anger

" fine, whoever will fall in the stream first will be lose", replied the man smirking.

"Hold your staff tight kiddo", said Abhyudaya as they took positions.
It looked like two warrior facing each other with fixed their gaze on each other.

The fight began with high spirit, swirling their staffs in the air. Man to man, blow for blow. They were well matched for each other in strength.
They kept fighting until they were fully exhausted.

The stranger ended the fight with a hard blow on Abhyudaya's back making him fall in the stream.

Abhyudaya swam to the bank and laid there while smiling sheepishly.

The stranger laughed sarcastically and said, " So this is the same person I met few minutes ago !"

"You are a great warrior man, I never lost any fight like this. Your skills really impressed me. What's your name?", he said with a smile on his face.

"It's Akshay, and you?"

"Abhyudaya. Um..I was going for the competition held in Vyannagar"

"I see, wish you the best for your competition. May we met again brave man"

"Yeah! the earth is round, we will met again for sure ", said abhyudaya and again started walking for his journey.

In the way, he met a person who was sobbing sitting under a tree.
He went near the man and said, "what happened brother? Why are you crying?"

They man lifted his face in shock, "who are you?"

"I am Abhyudaya, Vyannagar is my destination", said Abhyudaya

Abhyudaya came near the man, held his shoulder and said, " what's the matter? You can tell me"

The man broke into tears then said, "M-my my mother is ill, the doctor said without operation she won't recover..and and I d-don't have money for that"

"Don't worry dear, I am going to Vyannagar for the competition. If I win, I'll get half of the kingdom as well. I will give that to you as fast as I could", said abhyudaya trying to console him.

" thanks a lot man, you are no less than an angel to me. I'll be really greatful to you. I pray that you win", said the person blessing him.

"Thanks, I'll pray for speedy recovery of you mother", said Abhyudaya smiling.

After walking a lot, he reached the city at night. He stayed in a small hotel that night. All the sweet memories spent with her were roaming in his head. A smile apeared on his face as her face floated infront of him. He slowly drifted into sleep while dreaming about her.

The next morning he again started to walk for the palace for competition.
He reached there on time.
He stood in the line of competitors.
The great warriors across the world were present at that event to win the hand of the Princess.

One arrogant man came and said to Abhyudaya, "hey you young lad, don't you think you would be able to win the hand of princess. It's me who will win it"

Abhyudaya laughed sarcastically and replied, "in your dreams"

"We will see it on the ground!", exclaimed the man fuming in anger.

" as you wish", said Abhyudaya and laughed making him more angry.

The rule of the event was whoever will be able to tear the leaf fixed 10 meters far into equal two pieces by his arrow will be the winner.

One by one everyone tried but failed.
Now only Abhyudaya and that arrogant man was remaining.

The man went with full of confidence and held his bow while aiming at the leaf. He looked at Abhyudaya once and smirked, then again looked at his aim and shooted.
But for unfortunately or you can say fortunately he was failed too.
Feeling ashamed, the person ran out of their making everyone giggle.

Now it was time for Abhyudaya. He went there and once looked at Gautami who was watching him from a distance with a smile. Yes, she recognised him as soon as she saw. She couldn't believe that he really kept his promise and came hear for her.

Their eyes were fixed on each other, then Abhyudaya turned his gaze towards his target.
He held his bow and his eyes like eagle were fixed on the leaf.

Gautami's heart was beating fast due to anxiety. She was praying in mind for him. Both of them were sweating.

He pulled the string of his bow with the arrow. The whole stadium was silent, everyone's gaze was fixed at him.
Even the king's last hope was him.
It was a breath catching moment.

A drop of sweat fell from his forehead and he released the arrow. The arrow ran trough the leaf cutting it into two equal pieces. The stadium had burst into clapping.
Everyone shouted in joy as a sign of celebrating his glory.

Even the king clapped loudly being highly impressed by him. And a huge smile was crept in gautami's face.

Abhyudaya was announced as the winner. He looked at gautami who was already looking at him with tears of joy and a proud smile on her face.
She clapped for him loudly making him smile.

As per the rule, Gautami's marriage was fixed with her beloved person Abhyudaya. And Abhyudaya got the royal bow & half of the kingdom as well.

As Abhyudaya promised that guy, he gave money to him for his mother's recovery. And fortunately his mother really recovered and blessed Abhyudaya.
Abhtudaya's mother was also living a life of a queen.

On the wedding night of Abhyudaya and Gautami, Gautami laid beside Abhyudaya who had wrapped his arm around her with his magical smile.

"Thanks Abhi.."

"Why?", Abhyudaya asked with a confusing look

" for keeping your promise", gautami said, to which Abhyudaya just chuckled.

"I thought you won't come'', gautami said looking at him

" I promised you right? Abhyudaya always keeps his promise", he said

"Hmm, you came here for the promise ?"

''Actually there is a bigger reason "


"You", he pulled her closer , " you are the reason why I came here", he said, his voice as sweet as honey dripping from beehive.

Gautami blushed then looked at him with love in her eyes, "I love you Abhi"

"I love you too gau", he said as he leaned towards her.

Their foreheads touched.They could feel eachother's warm breath on their skin. Their eyes closed and their lips met eachother.
(1240 words)

So that's it for today guys. Hope you liked this one 😉

Bye bye 💗

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