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Jungkook silently get out of the bed wear the soft gown and silently get in the balcony he look at taehyung who is sleeping on the bed covering in the soft blanket, he close the door and the cold breeze touch his body.

Jungkook take a deep breath and stand there looking up in the sky, the beak cloud are covering the shine of moon.

Next morning~~

Jungkook getting ready to leave, taehyung already leave for office and now jungkook is going somewhere.

Anjuma look in the room as the gate is somehow left open, she saw jungkook taking out the money 2,3 bunch and putting it inside his bag.

She knock the door and jungkook flinch and stand in front of the mirror, "jungkook baby are you going sone where?" Anjuma ask smiling at him.

Jungkook take his bag and reply, "I am going at my uncle place, I will return by evening" jungkook smile at her and she nod.

Anjuma see off him and sat in living room with a worry, "should I talk to taehyung about this, I don't know what if I am just overthinking" she close her eyes and start to pray "please god my tae is not bad, don't do anything bad to him protect his happiness."

At evening"

Anjuma looking at the door waiting for jungkook as it's time for taehyung's return. She stand up when she saw jungkook walking inside looking tiered and weak, "are you okay jungkook, you are looking weak" jungkook look at her and a maid gave him water.

"I just go amusement park with my friends, so" he smile "I should freshnup before taehyung return, I will be back anjuma" anjuma nod and jungkook get upstairs leavening his bag there.

Anjuma look at the bag, she take it n her hand but didn't open it to see she just put it aside and sit there waiting fir taehyung.

She heard several car outside the door she get up and taehyung enter with some people and his assistant.

"Anjuma, whats wrong you are looking tense" taehyung ask hugging her. Anjuma shook her head "nothing fresh up and come for dinner" taehyung nod before signing the one last file and heading upstairs.

"Taehyung take the bag" anjuma stop him and taehyung took the bag from her hand, "is jungkook go out today?" Anjuma nod and taehyung leave holding the bag.

He enter in the room and closing the door, he romeve his coat and put the bag on table. Taehyung stand in front of the mirror and start taking off his watch and cuffs, taehyung heard the water stop in bathroom he smile when the gate open and jungkook get out only in a towel,

Taehyung turn to him and jungkook smile at him, "are you tired" taehyung ask and jungkook nod "did you receive the medicine" he ask again.

"I don't know, actually I am not home" jungkook reply and taehyung make him to sit in front of mirror and start wiping his wet hairs, "where" taehyung

Jungkook look in the reflection and reply "uncle's place" taehyung nod and place a soft kiss on his hairs "just wait for me then we will go for dinner" jungkook nod and taehyung get inside the bathroom to take a warm shower.

Jungkook sit comfortably and look at the big picture of his on the wall, taehyung had just put it there. He smile and lay on bed waiting for him.

In some minutes taehyung come out of the bathroom, dressed up and see jungkook half laying on bed and his legs are on floor, he walk to him and saw him sleeping peacefully with a pout.

"don't you want to eat" taehyung mumble softly and move his hand in his hairs and jungkook turn other side with a cute mumble and taehyung smile at him, he make him to lay properly and left to have his dinner downstairs.

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