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Jungkook's PoV

It's almost 9 in the morning. I am ready, In my white dress walking alone on the red carpet straight to the stage where my groom, is waiting for me.

First time in my life, I am wearing girly clothes in front of everyone, my heart is beating fast as every eyes is on me.

I don't know him very well but my uncle fix my marriage, then I don't even have to think about it.

I look around as every eye is on me, everyone is congratulating me on the special day, I saw my uncle standing smiling and clapping for me,

I was walking straight looking down and taehyung looking at me I think so, I reach to the stage and he gave me his hand, to come on stage. The priest was reading prayers and everyone listening to him including taehyung.

But my heart beating fast, my life is no longer going to be same it's will change. Then I heard the priest said,

'You may kiss now' the father declared and taehyung pull me, by my waist to kiss. Our lips get attached and he start moving them in a swift motion, I can hear people around calling for us.

His grip was tightened by the kiss and he start licking my tongue and entered in my mouth moving in every inch, my hands are pressed on his strong chest, after a long kiss He break the kiss.

After the kiss he clean his mouth, by tissue, and drop it on the stage where we are standing.

From now on, my identity is changed, I am not that jeon jungkook anymore, from now I am Kim jungkook.

I was looking at him and he was looking around, he didn't smile maybe he don't like it,

I don't know him, well more than my classmate and I don't wanted as well. I know that my life is gonna change, it can't be worst.

Author's PoV

All the guest are congratulating the newly wed and taehyung just throwing their gift aside, his staff catching every gift his boss throwing towards them and taehyung was holding jungkook from his waist.

He gestured to his gourds to make a way out, because he don't want to stay here more. Now he was craving.

They both walking to the exit and taehyung was walking very fast with his long legs and jungkook got difficulty to, Manage in dress the hall and move to a car parking outside the hall 

Taehyung open the gate of his black Bugatti and told jungkook to sit inside. He silently sit inside and look at the outside to find his uncel, waving his hand. Jungkook turn his gaze to his lap, by ignoring his uncel.

Taehyung sit inside, to driving seat put his black goggle in and start the car.

In whole ride, jungkook remain silent, nor  taehyung speak a word.

Four cars follow them the whole day and jungkook looking at his man's bodyguard clearing the every place they stop.


At night, taehyung park his car in the lawn of his big mansion. whole day he was just driving in city and after passing such hour they have dinner and get home.

When jungkook get out from the car, taehyung hold him in his arms in bridle style and walk in jungkook hold him, he don't want to fall.

Jungkook was in his arms, when they entered in his mom and dad are siting on the couch his father stand up and walk to them.

embarrassment filled in jungkook of his situation in he was, "Taehyung, what is this behaviour. Where were you all this hours, we are waiting."

"Did I tell you to wait. I think I don't so, why are you saying that. Look dad today is my first night, and I am saving this form 24 years, if you or mom try to ruin it by spooling my mood. It will become quite bad experience for my baby."

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